id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_c54a6wz43ngabdd3bh7lzdbtni M. Miranda Fictive art in new media 2003 4 .pdf application/pdf 2651 269 67 Fictive art in new media Multimedia, IEEE For example, Brodsky seems to appear in case history notes from some of the 20th century's top Fictive Art in New Media the new media arts? Art." I was immediately struck with how appropriate this term is for this form of fiction that I narrative and fictions to create made-up worlds, The artistic strategy of 'pataphysics has occupied a paradoxical place in the art history of the of fictive art to earlier 'pataphysical patterns. Airworld is a Web-based art project by Jennifer and Like many of the current Web art island, we created the work Journey to the C/enter The work itself plays with recent Web forms Here are some other fictive art sites that might be of interest: Here are some other fictive art sites that might be of interest: ❚ US Department of Art and Technology, ./cache/work_c54a6wz43ngabdd3bh7lzdbtni.pdf ./txt/work_c54a6wz43ngabdd3bh7lzdbtni.txt