id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_6deeimjrfve7bpjcc77u45bode Chua Yan Piaw Establishing a Brain Styles Test: The YBRAINS Test 2011 9 .pdf application/pdf 5791 513 65 Keywords: Brain style, thinking and learning, YBRAINS, validity and reliability has been initiated, and teaching and learning strategies that focus on enhancing the "human mind", emphasis on allround skills in enhancing critical thinking left brain the and creative thinking right brain across school subjects have human brain, i.e. the left and the right brain think and learn, or process information differently. Style of Learning and Thinking Test) listed the functions of the left and right brain. The indicators of right brain thinking and learning style include: Creative, imaginative in thinking, like to respondent responds to the test items, his learning and thinking styles (left, right or whole brain style, and open, TORRANCE TEST OF CREATIVE THINKING (TTCT) Right Brain Style WGCTA and the left brain style score of the YBRAINS (r= .27, p> .05) suggests that the two tests measuring and music major subjects will score higher on the right brain style of the YBRAINS test. ./cache/work_6deeimjrfve7bpjcc77u45bode.pdf ./txt/work_6deeimjrfve7bpjcc77u45bode.txt