7.5.27 Updated: 4/26/2021 * Enhancement: MarcEditor: Added a button to provide quick access to the available task list. * Enhancement: MarcEditor: code is in place to begin allowing users to show/hide menu/toolbar buttons. This should be available in a near term update. 7.5.25 Updated: 4/25/2021 * Bug Fix: Internet Archive => HathiTrust plugin updates to correct debug link generation. * Update: File Assoc. updates * Update: Installer - file extensions will now assign to 7.5.x 7.5.20 Updated: 4/19/2021 * Enhancement: Z39.50 -- users can add more than 2 criteria. * Update: Plugin -- Internet Archive => HathiTrust Plugin updated to allow for multiple date type searches. * Update: Z39.50 UI changes to make it easier to prevent data from being hidden on high zoom * Update: In the Preferences, the Task location can now allow Environment variables in the file path (example: %APPDATA%) * Update: Updated JSON/RDF Components * Bug Fix: Validate Headings window was freezing when using some of the new linked data rule options. * Enhancement: Custom Reports -- added a UI validation to ensure required data is provided (this wasn't previously the case). * Enhancement: MarcValidator -- added some updated language in the error changing. * Bug Fix: MarcValidator -- make sure that all file handles are closed (there was a case where one of the handles was remaining opened and could, potentially, result in a locked process). 7.5.8 Updated: 4/3/2021 * Enhancement: MarcEditor global Edit functions -- a new Preview option has been added (Replace All, Add Field, Delete Field, Copy Field, Edit Indicators, Edit Field, Edit Subfield, Swap Field) * Enhancement: UI enhancement to ensure that a status message is present so users know the process is running (Replace All, Add Field, Delete Field, Copy Field, Edit Indicators, Edit Field, Edit Subfield, Swap Field) * Enhancement: MarcEngine -- added JSON => XML translation * Enhancement: XML/JSON Profile Wizard - added support for JSON-LD formatted data. * Enhancement: XSLT -- including XSLT for the Homosaurus vocabulary * Enhancement: OCLC API -- surfacing more debugging information to make it easier to see when an issue is occuring * Bug Fix: MarcValidator -- Ensured all file handles are closing and released * Behavior Change: KBART 2 MARC Plugin - tool will preference ISBN 13 if present (currently, it selects the last ISBN if multiples of the same type are present) * Bug Fix: Installer -- cleaned up some old files * Behavior Change: OCLC has discontinued providing work id information in worldcat.org. I've shifted to using the classify api till a better option is found. * Clean-up: UI Clean up in the migration wizard * Clean-up: UI clean up of the main window * Bug Fix/Clean-up: Corrected UI to add back missing icons (for example, in the Extract Selected Records form) 7.5.2 Updated: 2/7/2021 * Enhancement: Updated Plugin Manager * Enhancement: OCLC Connexion Plugin Added/Converted * Enhancement: Internet Archive => HathiTrust Packager Added/Converted * Enhancement: MARC => KBART Converter Added/Converted * Enhancement: Make Check Digit Added/Converted * Enhancement: Microlif => Mnemonic Converted Added/Converted * RIS => MARC Plugin Added/Converted * Enhancement: Installer evaluates for the 64-bit Access Database Engine (2016) on 64 bit systems * Enhancement: Installer evaluates for the 2015 C++ Runtime required by the Access Database Engine on 64 bit systems * Behavior Change: Restart as 32-bit program has been hidden * Enhancement: MARC SQL Explorer has been folded into the primary MarcEdit Application [results in a reduction of dependencies] * Bug Fix: Clustering Tools -- Beta build wasn't allowing the clustering tools to function correctly. * Enhancement: OCLC Search -- Batch Searching has been allowed * Enhancement: OCLC Integration -- New Session Diagnostics option added for debugging processes * Bug Fix: Integration Settings Import -- If no settings have ever been set and the initial file hasn’t been created, import will say it’s completed, but it won’t. * Bug Fix: OCLC Integration -- if the expires_at element is null or fails to parse, it can throw an error. This is now trapped and will attempt to reauthorize. * Bug Fix: Console: Added process to consume event processing for validate and split tasks. 7.5.1 Updated: 2/2/2021 * Bug Fix: Installer throws an error when attempting to install per user * Bug Fix: MarcEditor -- MarcEdit will be deprecating legacy page loading. This option is now ignored if set and will be removed entirely in future builds. 7.5.0 Updated: 2/1/2021 * Change: Allow OS to manage supported supported Security Protocol types. * Change: Remove com.sun dependency related to dns and httpserver * Change: Changed AppData Path * Change: First install automatically imports settings from MarcEdit 7.0-3.x * Change: Field Count - simplify UI (consolidate elements) * Change: 008 Windows -- update help urls to oclc * Change: Generate FAST Headings -- update help urls * Change: .NET changes thread stats queuing. Updating thread processing on forms: * Generate FAST Headings * Batch Process Records * Build Links * Main Window * RDA Helper * Delete Selected Records * MARC Tools * Check URL Tools * MARCValidator * MARCEngine * task manager * Z39.50 * ILS Integration Processing * Character Conversions * Format Handing (delimited text, openrefine, etc.) * Change: XML Function List -- update process for opening URLs * Change: Z39.50 Preferences Window - update process for opening URLs * Change: About Windows -- new information, updated how version information is calculated. * Change: Catalog Calculator Window -- update process for opening URLs * Change: Generate Call Numbers -- update process for opening URLs * Change: Generate Material Formats -- update process for opening URLs * Change: Tab Delimiter -- remove context windows * Change: Tab Delimiter -- new options UI * Change: Tab Delimiter -- normalization changes * Change: Remove Old Help HTML Page * Change: Remove old Hex Editor Page * Change: Updated Hex Editor to integrate into main program * Change: Main Window -- remove custom scheduler dependency * Change: UI Update to allow more items * Change: Main Window -- new icon * Change: Main Window -- update process for opening URLs * Change: Main Window -- removed context menus * Change: Main Window -- Upgrade changes to new executable name * Change: Main Window -- Updated the following menu Items: * Edit Linked Data Tools * Removed old help menu item * Added new application shortcut * Change: OCLC Bulk Downloader -- new UI elements to correspond to new OCLC API * Change: OCLC Search Page -- new UI elements to correspond to new OCLC API * Change: Preferences -- Updates related to various preference changes: * Hex Editor * Integrations * Editor * Other * Change: RDA Helper -- update process for opening URLs * Change: RDA Helper -- Opening files for editing * Change: Removed the Script Maker * Change: Templates for Perl and vbscripts includes * Change: Removed Find/Search XML in the XML Editor and consolidated in existing windows * Change: Delete Selected Records: Exposed the form and controls to the MarcEditor * Change: Sparql Browser -- update process for opening URLs * Change: Sparql Browser -- removed context menus * Change: TroubleShooting Wizard -- Added more error codes and kb information to the Wizard * Change: UNIMARC Utility -- controls change, configurable transform selections * Change: MARC Utilities -- removed the context menu * Change: First Run Wizard -- new options, new agent images * Change: XML Editor -- Delete Block Addition * Change: XML Editor -- XQuery transform support * Change: XML Profile Wizard -- option to process attributes * Change: MarcEditor -- Status Bar control doesn't exist in NET 5.0. Control has changed. * Change: MarcEditor -- Improved Page Loading * Change: MarcEditor -- File Tracking updated to handle times when the file opened is a temp record * Change: MarcEditor -- removed ~7k of old code * Change: MarcEditor -- Added Delete Selected Records Option * Change: Removed helper code used by Installer * Change: Removed Office2007 menu formatting code * Change: Consolidated Extensions into new class (removed 3 files) * Change: Removed calls Marshalled to the Windows API -- replaced with Managed Code * Change: OpenRefine Format handler updated to capture changes between OpenRefine versions * Change: MarcEngine -- namespace update to 75 * Change: Wizard -- missing unicode font options more obvious * Change: Wizard install puts font in program directory so that additional users can simply copy (not download) the font on use * Change: checkurls: removed support for insecure crypto-types * Change: checkurls: additional heuristics to respond dynamically to http status codes * Change: All Components -- .NET 5.0 includes a new codepages library that allows for extended codepage support beyond the default framework. Added across the project. * Change: MarcValidator -- new rules process that attempts to determine if records are too long for processing when validating rules or structure. * Change: Command-line -- batch process switch has been added to the tasks processing function * Change: Options -- Allow user path to be reset. * Bug Fix: Main Window -- corrects process for determining version for update * Bug Fix: Main Window -- Updated image * Bug Fix: When doing first run, wizard not showing in some cases. * Bug Fix: Main Window -- Last Tool used sometimes shows duplicates * Bug Fix: RDA Helper -- $e processing * Bug Fix: RDA Helper -- punctuation in the $e * Bug Fix: XML Profile Wizard -- When the top element is selected, it's not viewed for processing (which means not seeing element data or attribute data) * Bug Fix: MarcEditor -- Page Processing correct to handle invalid formatted data better * Bug Fix: Installation Wizard -- if a unicode font was installed during the first run process, it wouldn't be recognized. * Bug Fix: MarcValidator fails when attempting to process a .mrk file from outside the MarcEditor * Bug Fix: Linked Data Processing: When processing services with multiple redirects -- process may stop pre-maturely. (Example: LC's id.loc.gov 3xx processing) * Bug Fix: Edit Field -- Find fields with just spaces are trimmed, causing the field data to process improperly. * Bug Fix: RDA Helper will fail if LDR length is incorrect when attempting to determine character encoding