id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt ptsefton-com-122 FAIR Data Management; It's a lifestyle not a lifecycle - .html text/html 1572 119 70 FAIR Data Management; It's a lifestyle not a lifecycle I have been working with my colleague Marco La Rosa on summary diagrams that capture some important aspects of Research Data Management, and include the FAIR data principles; that data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. The good part of this diagram is that it shows research data management as a cyclical, recurring activity which for FAIR data it needs to be. I think it is trying to show a project (ie grant) level view of research with data management happening in ONE spot on the journey. The big so-called lifecycle is (to me) very contrived and looks like a librarian view of the world with data searching as a stand-alone process before research data management planning. Research Data Management ./cache/ptsefton-com-122.html ./txt/ptsefton-com-122.txt