id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt github-com-8970 GitHub - robintw/CW-ideas: Hack day project from CW21 working on collating and analysing collaborative ideas and hack day projects from previous Collaborations Workshops .html text/html 730 125 71 GitHub robintw/CW-ideas: Hack day project from CW21 working on collating and analysing collaborative ideas and hack day projects from previous Collaborations Workshops Launching GitHub Desktop Launching GitHub Desktop If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Latest commit message This is the repo for a hack day project from Collaborations Workshop 2021 which aims to explore previous ideas from Collaborations Workshops and provide them in an easily browseable and searchable form. A live version of the website is hosted at To contribute to the repository either by adding new ideas from previous CWs, or to contribute to the code to view the ideas please see the contributing guide. The team creating this was Mario Antonioletti, Heather Turner and Robin Wilson. Provisioning a GitHub repo (Robin) Contact GitHub ./cache/github-com-8970.html ./txt/github-com-8970.txt