id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt github-com-4737 GitHub - softwaresaved/habeas-corpus: A corpus of research software used in COVID-19 research. .html text/html 900 159 73 GitHub softwaresaved/habeas-corpus: A corpus of research software used in COVID-19 research. This is work done during the hack day at Collaborations Workshop 2021, to create a corpus of research software used for COVID-19 and coronavirus-related research that will be useful in a number of ways to the research software sustainability community around the Software Sustainability Institute. This is based on and extends the "CORD-19 Software Mentions" dataset published by the Chan Zuckerberg Institute (doi: Habeas Corpus is a collaborative project and we welcome suggestions and contributions. Please open a GitHub issue to suggest a new idea or let us know about bugs. Software code and notebooks from this project are licensed under the open source MIT license. The data is derived from the "CORD-19 Software Mentions" dataset published by Alex D Wade and Ivana Williams from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and released under a CC0 license. ./cache/github-com-4737.html ./txt/github-com-4737.txt