id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt librecatproject-wordpress-com-2325 Catmandu .html text/html 7515 803 83 In this case the Fix can be written much shorter when we know that every Catmandu::Path method return a closure (hint: look at the ->($data) in the code. $ catmandu export File::Simple --root /data --bag 1234 to YAML Catmandu::Breaker doesn't only break input data in a easy format for command line processing, it can also do a statistical analysis on the breaker output. In the lines with 'catmandu export' shows how chunks of data are read from the database and processed with the 'heavy_load.fix' Fix script. Using results from Linked Data Fragments research by Ruben Verborgh (iMinds) and the Catmandu-RDF tools created by Jakob Voss (GBV) and RDF-LDF by Patrick Hochstenbach, Ghent University started an experiment to automatically enrich authors with VIAF identities. $ catmandu convert RDF --url --sparql 'SELECT * {?s ?p ?o}' $ catmandu convert RDF --url --sparql 'SELECT * {?s ?p "Chekhov"}' ./cache/librecatproject-wordpress-com-2325.html ./txt/librecatproject-wordpress-com-2325.txt