id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt www-diglib-org-5112 DLF Forum Community Journalist Reflection: Ana Hilda Figueroa de Jesús - DLF .html text/html 1461 122 58 DLF Forum Community Journalist Reflection: Ana Hilda Figueroa de Jesús DLF DLF Forum Community Journalist Reflection: Ana Hilda Figueroa de Jesús This post was written by Ana Hilda Figueroa de Jesús, who was selected to be one of this year's virtual DLF Forum Community Journalists. Ana Hilda Figueroa de Jesús will be graduating next spring from the Universidad de Puerto Rico in Río Piedras with a BA in History of Art. Her research interest focuses on education, accessibility and publicity of minority, revolutionary Puerto Rican art including topics such as race, gender and transnationalism. I believe that this idea of encounter is linked with the DLF Forum's "building a community" proposal. The 2020 Virtual DLF Forum included more than spaces for education. networked member institutions and a robust community of practice—advancing research, learning, social justice, & the public good through the creative design and wise application of digital library technologies ./cache/www-diglib-org-5112.html ./txt/www-diglib-org-5112.txt