id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt go-to-hellman-blogspot-com-5772 Go To Hellman .html application/xhtml+xml 4231 737 79 A lot of the political discourse has focused on "section 20" a part of US law that gives interactive platforms such as Facebook a set of rules that result in legal immunity for content posted by users. Made possible by many of the same technologies that are securing the internet and inflating the blockchain bubble, massively distributed and even "self-sovereign identity" are becoming real-ish. The Sovrin Network is a "new standard for digital identity – designed to bring the trust, personal control, and ease-of-use of analog IDs – like driver's licenses and ID cards – to the Internet." The common thread here is that users, not unaccountable third parties, should be able to manage their identity on the internet, while at the same time creating a global chain of trust. The federated authentications systems used by libraries today Shibboleth, Athens, and related systems use a dance similar to what you do with Google or Facebook. ./cache/go-to-hellman-blogspot-com-5772.html ./txt/go-to-hellman-blogspot-com-5772.txt