id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt english-slks-dk-4293 ISIL .html text/html 1211 182 45 International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISO 15511) The purpose of ISIL is to define and promote the use of a set of standard identifiers for the unique identification of libraries and related organizations with a minimum impact on already existing systems. Both ISIL and ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier ISO 27729) can be used to identify libraries, but they have different functions. National Library of Australia National Library of Belarus National Library of Bulgaria The National Library of Finland National Library of Israel National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran of Iran National Diet Library The National Library of Korea National Library of Norway Qatar National Library (QNL) National Library of Romania National and University Library Slovak National Library Application for appointment as ISIL National Registration Agency Application for appointment as ISIL National Registration Agency Application for appointment as ISIL National Registration Agency ./cache/english-slks-dk-4293.html ./txt/english-slks-dk-4293.txt