id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt blog-iandavis-com-4215 Internet Alchemy, the blog of Ian Davis .html text/html 1004 61 58 This post follows on from a post I wrote a couple of years back called Why Service Architectures Should Focus on Workflows. In that post I attempted to describe the fragility of microservice systems that were simply translating object-oriented patterns to the new paradigm. These systems were migrating domain models and their interactions from in-memory objects to separate networked processes. They were replacing in-process function calls with cross-network rpc calls, adding latency and infrastructure complexity. For this reason serverless is sometimes called FaaS – Functions as a Service. Rather than the domain model being exploded into separate networked processes its entities are provided in code libraries compiled into the function at build time. In this paradigm the "place order" function simply calls methods on customer, stock and payment objects, which may then interact with the various backend databases directly. Why Service Architectures Should Focus on Workflows Mon, Mar 31 2014 ./cache/blog-iandavis-com-4215.html ./txt/blog-iandavis-com-4215.txt