id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt andromedayelton-com-651 Though these be matrices, yet there is method in them. – andromeda yelton .html text/html 1360 107 73 When I first trained a neural net on 43,331 theses to make HAMLET, one of the things I most wanted to do is be able to visualize them. If you look closely, you will see a handful of dots in different colors, like a buttery yellow. This color is electrical engineering & computer science, and its dots in this region include Computational regulatory genomics : motifs, networks, and dynamics — that is to say, a computational biology thesis that happens to have been housed in computation rather than biology. And were I to rerun the entire neural net training process again, I'd want to include some sort of threshhold score for OCR quality. Clearly I need to share the technical details of how I did this, but this post is already too long, so maybe next week. ./cache/andromedayelton-com-651.html ./txt/andromedayelton-com-651.txt