Emotion classification - Wikipedia Emotion classification From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Contrast of one emotion from another Part of a series on Emotions Acceptance Affection Amusement Anger Angst Anguish Annoyance Anticipation Anxiety Apathy Arousal Awe Boredom Confidence Contempt Contentment Courage Curiosity Depression Desire Disappointment Disgust Distrust Doubt Ecstasy Embarrassment Empathy Enthusiasm Envy Euphoria Faith Fear Frustration Gratification Gratitude Greed Grief Guilt Happiness Hatred Hope Horror Hostility Humiliation Interest Jealousy Joy Kindness Loneliness Love Lust Nostalgia Outrage Panic Passion Pity Pleasure Pride Rage Regret Rejection Remorse Resentment Sadness Self-pity Shame Shock Shyness Social connection Sorrow Suffering Surprise Trust Wonder Worry v t e Emotion classification, the means by which one may distinguish or contrast one emotion from another, is a contested issue in emotion research and in affective science. Researchers have approached the classification of emotions from one of two fundamental viewpoints: that emotions are discrete and fundamentally different constructs that emotions can be characterized on a dimensional basis in groupings Contents 1 Emotions as discrete categories 1.1 Basicality debate 1.2 Semantically distinct emotions 2 Dimensional models of emotion 2.1 Circumplex model 2.2 Vector model 2.3 Positive activation – negative activation (PANA) model 2.4 Plutchik's model 2.5 PAD emotional state model 3 Criticisms 3.1 Cultural considerations 4 Lists of emotions 4.1 Basic emotions 4.2 Contrasting basic emotions 4.3 HUMAINE's proposal for EARL 4.4 Parrott's emotions by groups 4.5 Plutchik's wheel of emotions 4.6 Six emotion axes 4.7 The Hourglass of Emotions 4.8 The Book of Human Emotions 4.9 Mapping facial expressions 4.10 Emotional equations 4.11 Atlas of emotions 4.12 Emotion and stress 5 See also 6 Bibliography 7 Notes and references Emotions as discrete categories[edit] In discrete emotion theory, all humans are thought to have an innate set of basic emotions that are cross-culturally recognizable. These basic emotions are described as "discrete" because they are believed to be distinguishable by an individual's facial expression and biological processes.[1] Theorists have conducted studies to determine which emotions are basic. A popular example is Paul Ekman and his colleagues' cross-cultural study of 1992, in which they concluded that the six basic emotions are anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. Ekman explains that there are particular characteristics attached to each of these emotions, allowing them to be expressed in varying degrees. Each emotion acts as a discrete category rather than an individual emotional state.[2] Basicality debate[edit] Humans' subjective experience is that emotions are clearly recognizable in ourselves and others. This apparent ease of recognition has led to the identification of a number of emotions that are said to be basic, and universal among all people. However, a debate among experts has questioned this understanding of what emotions are. There has been recent discussion of the progression on the different views of emotion over the years.[3] On "basic emotion" accounts, activation of an emotion, such as anger, sadness, or fear, is "triggered" by the brain's appraisal of a stimulus or event with respect to the perceiver's goals or survival. In particular, the function, expression, and meaning of different emotions are hypothesized to be biologically distinct from one another. A theme common to many basic emotions theories is that there should be functional signatures that distinguish different emotions: we should be able to tell what emotion a person is feeling by looking at his or her brain activity and/or physiology. Furthermore, knowledge of what the person is seeing or the larger context of the eliciting event should not be necessary to deduce what the person is feeling from observing the biological signatures.[2] On "constructionist" accounts, the emotion a person feels in response to a stimulus or event is "constructed" from more elemental biological and psychological ingredients. Two hypothesized ingredients are "core affect" (characterized by, e.g., hedonic valence and physiological arousal) and conceptual knowledge (such as the semantic meaning of the emotion labels themselves, e.g., the word "anger"). A theme common to many constructionist theories is that different emotions do not have specific locations in the nervous system or distinct physiological signatures, and that context is central to the emotion a person feels because of the accessibility of different concepts afforded by different contexts.[4] Semantically distinct emotions[edit] Eugene Bann proposed a theory that people transmit their understanding of emotions through the language they use that surrounds mentioned emotion keywords. He posits that the more distinct language is used to express a certain emotion, then the more distinct the perception (including proprioception) of that emotion is, and thus more basic. This allows us to select the dimensions best representing the entire spectrum of emotion. Coincidentally, it was found that Ekman's (1972) basic emotion set, arguably the most frequently used for classifying emotions, is the most semantically distinct.[5] Dimensional models of emotion[edit] For both theoretical and practical reasons researchers define emotions according to one or more dimensions. in his philosophical treatise, The Passions of the Soul, Descartes defines and investigates the six primary passions (wonder, love, hate, desire, joy, and sadness). Wilhelm Max Wundt, the father of modern psychology, proposed in 1897 that emotions can be described by three dimensions: "pleasurable versus unpleasurable", "arousing or subduing" and "strain or relaxation".[6] In 1954 Harold Schlosberg named three dimensions of emotion: "pleasantness–unpleasantness", "attention–rejection" and "level of activation".[7] Dimensional models of emotion attempt to conceptualize human emotions by defining where they lie in two or three dimensions. Most dimensional models incorporate valence and arousal or intensity dimensions. Dimensional models of emotion suggest that a common and interconnected neurophysiological system is responsible for all affective states.[8] These models contrast theories of basic emotion, which propose that different emotions arise from separate neural systems.[8] Several dimensional models of emotion have been developed, though there are just a few that remain as the dominant models currently accepted by most.[9] The two-dimensional models that are most prominent are the circumplex model, the vector model, and the Positive Activation – Negative Activation (PANA) model.[9] Circumplex model[edit] The circumplex model of emotion was developed by James Russell.[10] This model suggests that emotions are distributed in a two-dimensional circular space, containing arousal and valence dimensions. Arousal represents the vertical axis and valence represents the horizontal axis, while the center of the circle represents a neutral valence and a medium level of arousal.[9] In this model, emotional states can be represented at any level of valence and arousal, or at a neutral level of one or both of these factors. Circumplex models have been used most commonly to test stimuli of emotion words, emotional facial expressions, and affective states.[11] Russell and Lisa Feldman Barrett describe their modified circumplex model as representative of core affect, or the most elementary feelings that are not necessarily directed toward anything. Different prototypical emotional episodes, or clear emotions that are evoked or directed by specific objects, can be plotted on the circumplex, according to their levels of arousal and pleasure.[12] Vector model[edit] The vector model of emotion appeared in 1992.[13] This two-dimensional model consists of vectors that point in two directions, representing a "boomerang" shape. The model assumes that there is always an underlying arousal dimension, and that valence determines the direction in which a particular emotion lies. For example, a positive valence would shift the emotion up the top vector and a negative valence would shift the emotion down the bottom vector.[9] In this model, high arousal states are differentiated by their valence, whereas low arousal states are more neutral and are represented near the meeting point of the vectors. Vector models have been most widely used in the testing of word and picture stimuli.[11] Positive activation – negative activation (PANA) model[edit] The positive activation – negative activation (PANA) or "consensual" model of emotion, originally created by Watson and Tellegen in 1985,[14] suggests that positive affect and negative affect are two separate systems. Similar to the vector model, states of higher arousal tend to be defined by their valence, and states of lower arousal tend to be more neutral in terms of valence.[9] In the PANA model, the vertical axis represents low to high positive affect and the horizontal axis represents low to high negative affect. The dimensions of valence and arousal lay at a 45-degree rotation over these axes.[14] Plutchik's model[edit] Robert Plutchik offers a three-dimensional model that is a hybrid of both basic-complex categories and dimensional theories. It arranges emotions in concentric circles where inner circles are more basic and outer circles more complex. Notably, outer circles are also formed by blending the inner circle emotions. Plutchik's model, as Russell's, emanates from a circumplex representation, where emotional words were plotted based on similarity.[15] There are numerous emotions, which appear in several intensities and can be combined in various ways to form emotional "dyads".[16][17][18][19][20] PAD emotional state model[edit] The PAD emotional state model is a psychological model developed by Albert Mehrabian and James A. Russell to describe and measure emotional states. PAD uses three numerical dimensions to represent all emotions.[21][22] The PAD dimensions are Pleasure, Arousal and Dominance. The Pleasure-Displeasure Scale measures how pleasant an emotion may be. For instance both anger and fear are unpleasant emotions, and score high on the displeasure scale. However joy is a pleasant emotion.[21] The Arousal-Nonarousal Scale measures how energized or soporific one feels. It is not the intensity of the emotion -- for grief and depression can be low arousal intense feelings. While both anger and rage are unpleasant emotions, rage has a higher intensity or a higher arousal state. However boredom, which is also an unpleasant state, has a low arousal value.[21] The Dominance-Submissiveness Scale represents the controlling and dominant nature of the emotion. For instance while both fear and anger are unpleasant emotions, anger is a dominant emotion, while fear is a submissive emotion.[21] Criticisms[edit] Cultural considerations[edit] Ethnographic and cross-cultural studies of emotions have shown the variety of ways in which emotions differ with cultures. Because of these differences, many cross-cultural psychologists and anthropologists challenge the idea of universal classifications of emotions altogether. Cultural differences have been observed in the way in which emotions are valued, expressed, and regulated. The social norms for emotions, such as the frequency with or circumstances in which they are expressed, also vary drastically.[23][24] For example, the demonstration of anger is encouraged by Kaluli people, but condemned by Utku Inuit people.[25] The largest piece of evidence that disputes the universality of emotions is language. Differences within languages directly correlate to differences in emotion taxonomy. Languages differ in that they categorize emotions based on different components. Some may categorize by event types whereas others categorize by action readiness. Furthermore, emotion taxonomies vary due to the differing implications emotions have in different languages.[23] That being said, not all English words have equivalents in all other languages and vice versa, indicating that there are words for emotions present in some languages but not in others.[26] Emotions such as the schadenfreude in German and saudade in Portuguese are commonly expressed in emotions in their respective languages, but lack an English equivalent. Some languages do not differentiate between emotions that are considered to be the basic emotions in English. For instance, certain African languages have one word for both anger and sadness, and others for shame and fear. There is ethnographic evidence that even challenges the universality of the category "emotions" because certain cultures lack a specific word relating to the English word "emotions".[24] Lists of emotions[edit] Humans experience emotion, with evidence used that they influence action, thoughts and behavior. Emotions are categorized into various affects, which correspond to the current situation.[27] An affect is the range of feeling experienced.[28] Both positive and negative emotions are needed in our daily lives.[29] Many theories of emotion have been proposed,[30] with contrasting views.[31] Basic emotions[edit] William James in 1890 proposed four basic emotions: fear, grief, love, and rage, based on bodily involvement.[32] Paul Ekman identified six basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise.[33] Wallace V. Friesen and Phoebe C. Ellsworth worked with him on the same basic structure.[34] The emotions can be linked to facial expressions. In the 1990s, Ekman proposed an expanded list of basic emotions, including a range of positive and negative emotions that are not all encoded in facial muscles.[35] The newly included emotions are: Amusement, Contempt, Contentment, Embarrassment, Excitement, Guilt, Pride in achievement, Relief, Satisfaction, Sensory pleasure, and Shame.[35] Richard and Bernice Lazarus in 1996 expanded the list to 15 emotions: aesthetic experience, anger, anxiety, compassion, depression, envy, fright, gratitude, guilt, happiness, hope, jealousy, love, pride, relief, sadness, and shame, in the book Passion and Reason.[36][37] Researchers[38] at University of California, Berkeley identified 27 categories of emotion: admiration, adoration, aesthetic appreciation, amusement, anger, anxiety, awe, awkwardness, boredom, calmness, confusion, craving, disgust, empathic pain, entrancement, excitement, fear, horror, interest, joy, nostalgia, relief, romance, sadness, satisfaction, sexual desire and surprise.[39] This was based on 2185 short videos intended to elicit a certain emotion. These were then modeled onto a "map" of emotions.[40] Contrasting basic emotions[edit] A 2009 review[41] of theories of emotion identifies and contrasts fundamental emotions according to three key criteria for mental experiences that: have a strongly motivating subjective quality like pleasure or pain; are a response to some event or object that is either real or imagined; motivate particular kinds of behavior. The combination of these attributes distinguishes emotions from sensations, feelings and moods. Kind of emotion Positive emotions Negative emotions Related to object properties Interest, curiosity, enthusiasm Indifference, habituation, boredom Attraction, desire, admiration Aversion, disgust, revulsion Surprise, amusement Alarm, panic Future appraisal Hope, excitement Fear, anxiety, dread Event-related Gratitude, thankfulness Anger, rage Joy, elation, triumph, jubilation Sorrow, grief Patience Frustration, restlessness Contentment Discontentment, disappointment Self-appraisal Humility, modesty Pride, arrogance Social Charity Avarice, greed, miserliness, envy, jealousy Sympathy Cruelty Cathected Love Hate HUMAINE's proposal for EARL[edit] The emotion annotation and representation language (EARL) proposed by the Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion (HUMAINE) classifies 48 emotions.[42] Negative and forceful Anger Annoyance Contempt Disgust Irritation Negative and not in control Anxiety Embarrassment Fear Helplessness Powerlessness Worry Negative thoughts Pride Doubt Envy Frustration Guilt Shame Negative and passive Boredom Despair Disappointment Hurt Sadness Agitation Stress Shock Tension Positive and lively Amusement Delight Elation Excitement Happiness Joy Pleasure Caring Affection Empathy Friendliness Love Positive thoughts Courage Hope Humility Satisfaction Trust Quiet positive Calmness Contentment Relaxation Relief Serenity Reactive Interest Politeness Surprise Parrott's emotions by groups[edit] A tree-structured list of emotions was described in Shaver et al. (1987),[43] and also featured in Parrott (2001).[44] Primary emotion Secondary emotion Tertiary emotion Love Affection Adoration · Fondness · Liking · Attraction · Caring · Tenderness · Compassion · Sentimentality Lust/Sexual desire Desire · Passion · Infatuation Longing Longing Joy Cheerfulness Amusement · Bliss · Gaiety · Glee · Jolliness · Joviality · Joy · Delight · Enjoyment · Gladness · Happiness · Jubilation · Elation · Satisfaction · Ecstasy · Euphoria Zest Enthusiasm · Zeal · Excitement · Thrill · Exhilaration Contentment Pleasure Pride Triumph Optimism Eagerness · Hope Enthrallment Enthrallment · Rapture Relief Relief Surprise Surprise Amazement · Astonishment Anger Irritability Aggravation · Agitation · Annoyance · Grouchy · Grumpy · Crosspatch Exasperation Frustration Rage Anger · Outrage · Fury · Wrath · Hostility · Ferocity · Bitterness · Hatred · Scorn · Spite · Vengefulness · Dislike · Resentment Disgust Revulsion · Contempt · Loathing Envy Jealousy Torment Torment Sadness Suffering Agony · Anguish · Hurt Sadness Depression · Despair · Gloom · Glumness · Unhappiness · Grief · Sorrow · Woe · Misery · Melancholy Disappointment Dismay · Displeasure Shame Guilt · Regret · Remorse Neglect Alienation · Defeatism · Dejection · Embarrassment · Homesickness · Humiliation · Insecurity · Insult · Isolation · Loneliness · Rejection Sympathy Pity · Mono no aware · Sympathy Fear Horror Alarm · Shock · Fear · Fright · Horror · Terror · Panic · Hysteria · Mortification Nervousness Anxiety · Suspense · Uneasiness · Apprehension (fear) · Worry · Distress · Dread Plutchik's wheel of emotions[edit]   Anticipation   Joy   Trust   Fear   Surprise   Sadness   Disgust   Anger The primary, secondary and tertiary dyads. In 1980, Robert Plutchik diagrammed a wheel of eight emotions: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger and anticipation, inspired by his Ten Postulates.[45][46] Plutchik also theorized twenty-four "Primary", "Secondary", and "Tertiary" dyads (feelings composed of two emotions).[47][48][49][50][51][52][53] The wheel emotions can be paired in four groups: Primary dyad = one petal apart = Love = Joy + Trust Secondary dyad = two petals apart = Envy = Sadness + Anger Tertiary dyad = three petals apart = Shame = Fear + Disgust Opposite emotions = four petals apart = Anticipation ∉ Surprise There are also triads, emotions formed from 3 primary emotions.[54] This leads to a combination of 24 dyads and 32 triads, making 56 emotions at 1 intensity level.[55] Emotions can be mild or intense;[56] for example, distraction is a mild form of surprise, and rage is an intense form of anger. The kinds of relation between each pair of emotions are: Emotions and opposites Mild emotion Mild opposite Basic emotion Basic opposite Intense emotion Intense opposite Serenity Pensiveness, Gloominess Joy, Cheerfulness Sadness, Dejection Ecstasy, Elation Grief, Sorrow Acceptance, Tolerance Boredom, Dislike Trust Disgust, Aversion Admiration, Adoration Loathing, Revulsion Apprehension, Dismay Annoyance, Irritation Fear, Fright Anger, Hostility Terror, Panic Rage, Fury Distraction, Uncertainty Interest, Attentiveness Surprise Anticipation, Expectancy Amazement, Astonishment Vigilance Dyads (Combinations) Human feelings Emotions Opposite feelings Emotions Optimism, Courage Anticipation + Joy Disapproval, Disappointment Surprise + Sadness Hope, Fatalism Anticipation + Trust Unbelief, Shock Surprise + Disgust Anxiety, Dread Anticipation + Fear Outrage, Hate Surprise + Anger Love, Friendliness Joy + Trust Remorse, Misery Sadness + Disgust Guilt, Excitement Joy + Fear Envy, Sullenness Sadness + Anger Delight, Doom Joy + Surprise Pessimism Sadness + Anticipation Submission, Modesty Trust + Fear Contempt, Scorn Disgust + Anger Curiosity Trust + Surprise Cynicism Disgust + Anticipation Sentimentality, Resignation Trust + Sadness Morbidness, Derisiveness Disgust + Joy Awe, Alarm Fear + Surprise Aggressiveness, Vengeance Anger + Anticipation Despair Fear + Sadness Pride, Victory Anger + Joy Shame, Prudishness Fear + Disgust Dominance Anger + Trust Opposite combinations[50] Human feelings Emotions Bittersweetness Joy + Sadness Ambivalence Trust + Disgust Frozenness Fear + Anger Confusion Surprise + Anticipation Similar emotions in the wheel are adjacent to each other.[57] Anger, Anticipation, Joy, and Trust are positive in valence, while Fear, Surprise, Sadness, and Disgust are negative in valence. Anger is classified as a "positive" emotion because it involves "moving toward" a goal,[58] while surprise is negative because it is a violation of someone's territory.[59] The emotion dyads each have half-opposites and exact opposites:[60] Anticipation, Joy, Surprise, Sadness + Sadness Joy Anticipation Pessimism Optimism Surprise Disapproval Delight Joy, Trust, Sadness, Disgust + Disgust Trust Joy Morbidness Love Sadness Remorse Sentimentality Trust, Fear, Disgust, Anger + Fear Anger Trust Submission Dominance Disgust Shame Contempt Fear, Surprise, Anger, Anticipation + Surprise Anticipation Anger Outrage Aggressiveness Fear Awe Anxiety Trust, Surprise, Disgust, Anticipation + Surprise Anticipation Trust Curiosity Hope Disgust Unbelief Cynicism Joy, Fear, Sadness, Anger + Fear Anger Joy Guilt Pride Sadness Despair Envy Six emotion axes[edit] Some people[who?] list six emotion axes with different opposite emotions, and different emotions coming from ranges.[61] Emotional flow Axis -1.0 -0.5 0 0 +0.5 +1.0 Anxiety – Confidence Anxiety Worry Discomfort Comfort Hopeful Confident Boredom – Fascination Ennui Boredom Indifference Interest Curiosity Intrigue Frustration – Euphoria Frustration Puzzlement Confusion Insight Enlightenment Epiphany Dispirited – Encouraged Dispirited Disappointed Dissatisfied Satisfied Thrilled Enthusiastic Terror – Enchantment Terror Dread Apprehension Calm Anticipatory Excited Humiliation – Pride Humiliated Embarrassed Self-conscious Pleased Satisfied Proud They also made a model labeling phases of learning emotions.[61] Negative Affect Positive Affect Constructive Learning Disappointment, Puzzlement, Confusion Awe, Satisfaction, Curiosity Un-learning Frustration, Discard, Misconceptions Hopefulness, Fresh research The Hourglass of Emotions[edit] The Hourglass Model Revisited The Hourglass of Emotions is based on Robert Plutchik's model, but categorizes emotions into four sentic dimensions. It contrasts joy, calmness, pleasantness and eagerness as positive emotions, and sadness, anger, disgust and fear as negative.[62][63] Emotion Categorization Dimension [+1,+0.66) [+0,66,+0,33) [+0.33,0) (0,-0.33] (-0.33,-0.66] (-0.66,1] Introspection Ecstasy Joy Contentment Melancholy Sadness Grief Temper Bliss Calmness Serenity Annoyance Anger Rage Attitude Delight Pleasantness Acceptance Dislike Disgust Loathing Sensitivity Enthusiasm Eagerness Responsiveness Anxiety Fear Terror Compound Emotions JOY PLEASANTNESS love enjoyment amusement EAGERNESS euphoria excitement thrill CALMNESS enlightenment relaxation sweet idleness SADNESS DISGUST hate guilt remorse FEAR distress troubledness misery ANGER envy bitterness resentment CALMNESS PLEASANTNESS assertiveness compassion empathy EAGERNESS focus determination perseverance FEAR carelessness laxity looseness ANGER DISGUST hatred ruthlessness viciousness FEAR nastiness coercion possessiveness EAGERNESS stubborness obstinacy mulishness PLEASANTNESS DISGUST shamelessness cheekiness brazenness EAGERNESS kindness audacity hospitality FEAR awe submission reverence DISGUST JOY morbidness schadenfreude gloat FEAR impiety cowardness inhospitality EAGERNESS recklessness temerity rashness EXPECTATION JOY hope anticipation optimism SADNESS hopelessness despair pessimism EAGERNESS vigilance alertness caution SURPRISE ANGER shock outrage thunderstruckness FEAR alarm dismay dumbstruckness PLEASANTNESS amazement astonishment wonderstruckness The Book of Human Emotions[edit] Tiffany Watt Smith listed 154 different worldwide emotions and feelings.[64] A Abhiman Acedia Amae Ambiguphobia Anger Anticipation Anxiety Apathy L’appel du vide Awumbuk B Bafflement Basorexia Befuddlement Bewilderment Boredom Brabant Broodiness C Calm Carefree Cheerfulness Cheesed (off) Claustrophobia Collywobbles, the Comfort Compassion Compersion Confidence Contempt Contentment Courage Curiosity Cyberchondria D Delight Dépaysement Desire Despair Disappear, the desire to Disappointment Disgruntlement Disgust Dismay Dolce far niente Dread E Ecstasy Embarrassment Empathy Envy Euphoria Exasperation Excitement F Fear Feeling good (about yourself) Formal feeling, a Fraud, feeling like a Frustration G Gezelligheid Gladsomeness Glee Gratitude Greng jai Grief Guilt H Han Happiness Hatred Heebie-Jeebies, the Hiraeth Hoard, the urge to Homefulness Homesickness Hopefulness Huff, in a Humble, feeling Humiliation Hunger Hwyl I Ijirashi Ilinx Impatience Indignation Inhabitiveness Insulted, feeling Irritation J Jealousy Joy K Kaukokaipuu L Liget[65] Litost Loneliness Love M Malu Man Matutolypea Mehameha Melancholy Miffed, a bit Mono no aware Morbid curiosity N Nakhes Nginyiwarrarringu Nostalgia O Oime Overwhelmed, feeling P Panic Paranoia Perversity Peur des espaces Philoprogenitiveness Pique, a fit of Pity Postal, going Pride Pronoia R Rage Regret Relief Reluctance Remorse Reproachfulness Resentment Ringxiety Rivalry Road rage Ruinenlust S Sadness Satisfaction Saudade Schadenfreude Self-pity Shame Shock Smugness Song Surprise Suspicion T Technostress Terror Torschlusspanik Toska Triumph V Vengefulness Vergüenza ajena Viraha Vulnerability W Wanderlust Warm glow Wonder Worry Z Żal Mapping facial expressions[edit] Scientists map twenty-one different facial emotions[66][67] expanded from Paul Ekman's six basic emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise: Happy Sad Fearful Angry Surprised Disgusted HappilySurprised HappilyDisgusted SadlyFearful SadlyAngry SadlySurprised SadlyDisgusted Appalled FearfullyAngry FearfullySurprised FearfullyDisgusted Awed AngrilySurprised AngrilyDisgusted Hatred DisgustedlySurprised Emotional equations[edit] A book written by Chip Conley showed how emotions and feelings are organised using mathematical terms.[68] Despair = Suffering - Meaning Disappointment = Expectations - Reality Regret = Disappointment + Responsibility Jealousy = M i s t r u s t S e l f − E s t e e m {\displaystyle {\tfrac {Mistrust}{Self-Esteem}}} Envy = ( P r i d e + V a n i t y ) K i n d n e s s {\displaystyle {\tfrac {(Pride+Vanity)}{Kindness}}} Anxiety = Uncertainty x Powerlessness Calling = P l e a s u r e P a i n {\displaystyle {\tfrac {Pleasure}{Pain}}} Workaholism = W h a t A r e Y o u R u n n i n g F r o m ? W h a t A r e Y o u L i v i n g F o r ? {\displaystyle {\tfrac {WhatAreYouRunningFrom?}{WhatAreYouLivingFor?}}} Flow = S k i l l C h a l l e n g e {\displaystyle {\tfrac {Skill}{Challenge}}} Curiosity = Wonder + Awe Authenticity = Self-Awareness x Courage Narcissism = (Self-Esteem)2 x Entitlement Integrity = Authenticity x Invisibility x Reliability Happiness = Love - Fear Thriving = F r e q u e n c y o f P o s i t i v e F r e q u e n c y o f N e g a t i v e {\displaystyle {\tfrac {FrequencyofPositive}{FrequencyofNegative}}} Faith = B e l i e f I n t e l l e c t {\displaystyle {\tfrac {Belief}{Intellect}}} Wisdom = √Experience Atlas of emotions[edit] The Dalai Lama made a website based on the emotions of enjoyment, disgust, anger, fear and sadness with the help of Paul Ekman.[69][70] The emotions were similar to the ones found in Inside Out, a film that Paul Ekman advised.[71] Emotion and stress[edit] Emotions and stress are connected, so stressful situations produce emotion. Environments that make stress also make emotions.[72] See also[edit] Aesthetic emotions Emotion and memory List of virtues Mood (psychology) Moral emotions Social emotions Bibliography[edit] Ekman, P. (1972). Universals and cultural differences in facial expression of emotion. In J. Cole (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press: pp. 207–283. Ekman, P. (1992). "An argument for basic emotions". Cognition and Emotion. 6 (3): 169–200. CiteSeerX doi:10.1080/02699939208411068. Ekman, P. (1999). Basic Emotions. In T. Dalgleish and T. Power (Eds.) The Handbook of Cognition and Emotion Pp. 45–60. Sussex, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Fontaine, J.; Scherer, KR; Roesch, EB; Ellsworth, PC (2007). "The world of emotions is not two-dimensional". Psychological Science. 18 (12): 1050–1057. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.02024.x. PMID 18031411. S2CID 1779061. 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ISBN 9781438119564 – via Google Books. v t e Emotions (list) Emotions Acceptance Adoration Aesthetic emotions Affection Agitation Agony Amusement Anger Angst Anguish Annoyance Anticipation Anxiety Apathy Arousal Attraction Awe Boredom Calmness Compassion Confidence Contempt Contentment Courage Cruelty Curiosity Defeat Depression Desire Despair Disappointment Disgust Distrust Ecstasy Embarrassment Vicarious Empathy Enthrallment Enthusiasm Envy Euphoria Excitement Fear Flow (psychology) Frustration Gratification Gratitude Greed Grief Guilt Happiness Hatred Hiraeth Homesickness Hope Horror Hostility Humiliation Hygge Hysteria Indulgence Infatuation Insecurity Inspiration Interest Irritation Isolation Jealousy Joy Kindness Loneliness Longing Love Limerence Lust Mono no aware Neglect Nostalgia Outrage Panic Passion Pity Self-pity Pleasure Pride Grandiosity Hubris Insult Vanity Rage Regret Social connection Rejection Remorse Resentment Sadness Melancholy Saudade Schadenfreude Sehnsucht Self-confidence Sentimentality Shame Shock Shyness Sorrow Spite Stress Suffering Surprise Sympathy Tenseness Trust Wonder Worry World views Cynicism Defeatism Nihilism Optimism Pessimism Reclusion Weltschmerz Related Affect consciousness in education measures in psychology Affective computing forecasting neuroscience science spectrum Affectivity positive negative Appeal to emotion Emotion and art and memory and music and sex classification evolution expressed functional accounts group homeostatic perception recognition in conversation in animals regulation interpersonal work Emotional aperture bias blackmail competence conflict contagion detachment dysregulation eating exhaustion expression intelligence and bullying intimacy isolation lability labor lateralization literacy prosody reasoning responsivity security selection symbiosis well-being Emotionality bounded Emotions and culture in decision-making in the workplace in virtual communication history moral self-conscious social social sharing sociology Feeling Gender and emotional expression Group affective tone Interactions between the emotional and executive brain systems Meta-emotion Pathognomy Pathos Social emotional development Stoic passions Theory affect appraisal discrete emotion somatic marker constructed emotion v t e Psychology History Philosophy Portal Psychologist Basic psychology Abnormal Affective science Affective neuroscience Behavioral genetics Behavioral neuroscience Behaviorism Cognitive/Cognitivism Cognitive neuroscience Social Comparative Cross-cultural Cultural Developmental Differential Ecological Evolutionary Experimental Gestalt Intelligence Mathematical Moral Neuropsychology Perception Personality Positive Psycholinguistics Psychophysiology Quantitative Social Theoretical Applied psychology Anomalistic Applied behavior analysis Assessment Clinical Coaching Community Consumer Counseling Critical Educational Ergonomics Feminist Forensic Health Industrial and organizational Legal Media Medical Military Music Occupational health Pastoral Political Psychometrics Psychotherapy Religion School Sport and exercise Suicidology Systems Traffic Methodologies Animal testing Archival research Behavior epigenetics Case study Content analysis Experiments Human subject research Interviews Neuroimaging Observation Psychophysics Qualitative research Quantitative research Self-report inventory Statistical surveys Psychologists Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920) William James (1842–1910) Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936) Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) Edward Thorndike (1874–1949) Carl Jung (1875–1961) John B. Watson (1878–1958) Clark L. Hull (1884–1952) Kurt Lewin (1890–1947) Jean Piaget (1896–1980) Gordon Allport (1897–1967) J. P. Guilford (1897–1987) Carl Rogers (1902–1987) Erik Erikson (1902–1994) B. F. Skinner (1904–1990) Donald O. Hebb (1904–1985) Ernest Hilgard (1904–2001) Harry Harlow (1905–1981) Raymond Cattell (1905–1998) Abraham Maslow (1908–1970) Neal E. Miller (1909–2002) Jerome Bruner (1915–2016) Donald T. Campbell (1916–1996) Hans Eysenck (1916–1997) Herbert A. Simon (1916–2001) David McClelland (1917–1998) Leon Festinger (1919–1989) George A. 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