id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-9355 Meet market - Wikipedia .html text/html 932 131 64 A meet market (or meat market) is a location or activity in which people are viewed as commodities, or a business like a nightclub where people typically look for a casual sex partner.[1] The term is also used metaphorically, for example, to refer to the process of deciding which man to "buy" for a husband,[2] or for finding a man to date at the grocery market.[3] By the 1970s, singles events had developed a reputation as a "ritual of lies and mistrust", replete with men in search of casual sex, cold and unfriendly women, and frequent misunderstandings.[7] Dating commentators and city guides now discuss meet markets in benign or positive terms, counseling readers to make use of meet markets to find a refined established gentlemen who desires marriage,[13] an enjoyable short-term young professional dating partner,[14] new friends of the same sex,[15] or a long-term committed relationship, if desired.[16] ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-9355.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-9355.txt