id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-9206 Empathy - Wikipedia .html text/html 20186 2625 57 Using fMRI, neuroscientist Tania Singer showed that empathy-related neural responses tended to be significantly lower in males when observing an "unfair" person experiencing pain.[74] An analysis from the journal of Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews also found that, overall, there are sex differences in empathy from birth, growing larger with age and which remains consistent and stable across lifespan.[75] Females, on average, were found to have higher empathy than males, while children with higher empathy regardless of gender continue to be higher in empathy throughout development.[75] Further analysis of brain tools such as event related potentials found that females who saw human suffering tended to have higher ERP waveforms than males.[75] Another investigation with similar brain tools such as N400 amplitudes found, on average, higher N400 in females in response to social situations which positively correlated with self-reported empathy.[75] Structural fMRI studies also found females to have larger grey matter volumes in posterior inferior frontal and anterior inferior parietal cortex areas which are correlated with mirror neurons in fMRI literature.[75] Females also tended to have a stronger link between emotional and cognitive empathy.[75] The researchers found that the stability of these sex differences in development are unlikely to be explained by any environment influences but rather might have some roots in human evolution and inheritance.[75] Throughout prehistory, females were the primary nurturers and caretakers of children; so this might have led to an evolved neurological adaptation for women to be more aware and responsive to non-verbal expressions. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-9206.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-9206.txt