id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-9115 Positive affectivity - Wikipedia .html text/html 2486 410 50 Happiness, a feeling of well-being, and high levels of self-esteem are often associated with high levels of positive affectivity, but they are each influenced by negative affectivity as well.[7] Trait PA roughly corresponds to the dominant personality factors of extraversion;[8][9] however, this construct is also influenced by interpersonal components.[7] Negative emotions, such as fear, anger, stress, hostility, sadness, and guilt, increase the predictability of workplace deviance,[12] and therefore reduce the productivity of the business. PA provides a psychological break or respite from stress,[2] supporting continued efforts to replenish resources depleted by stress.[23][24] Its buffering functions provide a useful antidote to the problems associated with negative emotions and ill health due to stress,[15] as PA reduces allostatic load.[2] Likewise, happy people are better at coping. "Positive and negative affect as links between social anxiety and depression: predicting concurrent and prospective mood symptoms in unipolar and bipolar mood disorders". ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-9115.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-9115.txt