id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-9024 Love letter - Wikipedia .html text/html 1721 234 74 Love letter Wikipedia One of the oldest references to a love letter dates to Indian mythology of more than 5000 years ago. The love letter continued to be taught as a skill at the start of the eighteenth century, as in Richard Steele's Spectator.[7] Perhaps in reaction, the artificiality of the concept came to be distrusted by the Romantics: "'A love-letter? The love letter continued to flourish in the first half of the twentieth-century – F Scott Fitzgerald gives us a 1920s Flapper 'absorbed in composing one of those non-committal, marvellously elusive letters that only a young girl can write'.[9] The strains on either end of such a relationship could intensify emotions and lead to letters going beyond simple communication to expressions of love, longing and desires. A love letter has no specific form. A love letter may take another literary form than simple prose. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Love letters. Categories: Love letters ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-9024.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-9024.txt