id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-8903 Affective forecasting - Wikipedia .html text/html 10454 1132 58 Affective forecasting can be divided into four components: predictions about emotional valence (i.e. positive or negative), the specific emotions experienced, their duration, and their intensity.[1] While errors may occur in all four components, research overwhelmingly indicates that the two areas most prone to bias, usually in the form of overestimation, are duration and intensity.[2][3] Immune neglect is a form of impact bias in response to negative events, in which people fail to predict how much their psychological immune system will hasten their recovery. For example, in recalling painful experiences, people place greater emphasis on the most discomforting moments as well as the end of the event, as opposed to taking into account the overall duration.[13] Retroactive reports often conflict with present-moment reports of events, further pointing to contradictions between the actual emotions experienced during an event and the memory of them.[3] In addition to producing errors in forecasts about the future, this discrepancy has incited economists to redefine different types of utility and happiness[13] (see section on economics). ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-8903.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-8903.txt