id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-8462 Grandparent - Wikipedia .html text/html 5549 733 63 The various words for grandparents at times may also be used to refer to any elderly person, especially the terms gramps, granny, grandfather, grandmother, nan, maw-maw, paw-paw and others which families make up themselves. This means that more children are growing up while their grandparents are still alive, whom can become involved in childcare.[10] In addition, the reduced fertility rates mean that grandparents can devote more attention and resources to their only grandchildren.[16] Second, more mothers are involved in the workforce, and thus, other caregivers need to be present to care for the child.[10] For instance, in Hong Kong, 55% of grandparents reported that they took care of their grandchild because his or her parents have to work.[12] In South Korea, 53% of working mother reported that they once received child care services from their parents.[15] Third, the increasing number of single-parent families creates a need for grandparental support.[17] Grandparents taking care of their grandchildren is a common phenomenon in China due to Chinese traditions which emphasize family harmony, collective well-being, intergenerational exchanges and filial responsibilities.[34] China's unique philosophies, Buddhism and Taoism, play important roles in forming these cultural values. "All in the Family: The Impact of Caring for Grandchildren on Grandparents' Health". ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-8462.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-8462.txt