id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-7472 Lovesickness - Wikipedia .html text/html 2295 293 68 Aretaeus of Cappadocia ( XIX century) , who was a known doctor during the Middle Ages era[4] , at first only believed that lovesickness was just a depressive phase that some people can experience from lack of love , yet still called this mental illness being melancholia[3] .One day he met a man who's "melancholia" was the cause of an heartbreak , Aretaeus described the man condition a "serious dejection due to unrequited love"[3]. Love as mental illness[edit] With the common symptoms of lovesickness being related to other mental diseases, it is often misdiagnosed or it is found that with all the illnesses one could be facing, love is the underlying problem.[10] This is incredibly dangerous when one does not seek help or cannot cope because love has been known to be fatal (a consequence of which might be attempted suicide, thus dramatising the ancient contention that love can be fatal).[11] Love, Lovesickness, and Melancholia. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-7472.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-7472.txt