id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-5023 Relational transgression - Wikipedia .html text/html 8391 713 46 Accordingly, Internet infidelity is defined by Docan-Morgan and Docan (2007) as follows: "An act or actions engaged via the internet by one person with a committed relationship, where such an act occurs outside the primary relationship, and constitutes a breach of trust and/or violation of agreed-upon norms (overt or covert) by one or both individuals in that relationship with regard to relational exclusivity, and is perceived as having a particular degree of severity by one or both partners."[8] In order to achieve this transformation the offended must forgo retribution and claims for retribution.[26] McCullough, Worthington, and Rachal (1997) defined forgiveness as a, "set of motivational changes whereby one becomes (a) decreasingly motivated to retaliate against an offending relationship partner, (b) decreasingly motivated to maintain estrangement from the offender, and (c) increasingly motivated by conciliation and goodwill for the offender, despite the offender's hurtful actions".[27] In essence, relational partners choose constructive behaviors that show an emotional commitment and willingness to sacrifice in order to achieve a state of forgiveness. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-5023.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-5023.txt