id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-3099 Deus caritas est - Wikipedia .html text/html 4448 532 69 Deus caritas est (English: "God is Love"), subtitled De Christiano Amore (Of Christian Love), is a 2005 encyclical, the first written by Pope Benedict XVI, in large part derived from writings by his late predecessor, Pope John Paul II. The opinion that eros is inherently good follows a school of thought in the Catholic Church known as the "Caritas tradition", and contrasts with the view expressed, for example, by Anders Nygren, a Lutheran bishop, in his mid-20th century book Eros and Agape, that agape is the only truly Christian kind of love, and that eros is an expression of the individual's desires and turns us away from God.[12] These two positions have been an ongoing cause for debate in both Catholic and Protestant theology. At an audience on 18 January 2006, Pope Benedict said that Deus caritas est would discuss the concept of love "in its various dimensions, from the love between man and woman to the love that the Catholic Church has for others in its expression of charity". ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-3099.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-3099.txt