id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-2871 Fertility - Wikipedia .html text/html 5547 787 67 For example fertility in demography is the actual production of live births by a female, while in clinical medicine it refers to the potential for a woman to become pregnant. Human fertility depends on factors of nutrition, sexual behavior, consanguinity, culture, instinct, endocrinology, timing, economics, way of life, and emotions. General fertility rate (GFR) the number of births in a year divided by the number of women aged 15–44, times 1000. Social and economic determinants of fertility[edit] Main article: fertility factor (demography) Influential economic analyses of fertility include Becker (1960),[17] Mincer (1963),[18] and Easterlin (1969).[19] The latter developed the Easterlin hypothesis to account for the Baby Boom. "An Economic Analysis of Fertility." In National Bureau Committee for Economic Research, Demographic and Economic Change in Developed Countries, a Conference of the Universities. The Fertility of American Women (1958), influential study at the peak of the Baby Boom online edition ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-2871.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-2871.txt