id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-2623 Mozi - Wikipedia .html text/html 7806 984 67 Some believe the best descriptor to be state consequentialism.[10] According to this reading, Mohist ethics makes moral evaluations based on how well the action, statement, etc., in question contributes to the stability of a state.[10] Such state-related goods include social order, material wealth, and population growth. Mozi opposed wars because they wasted life and resources while interfering with the fair distribution of wealth, yet he recognized the need for strong urban defenses so he could maintain the harmonious society he desired.[12] The "material wealth" of Mohist consequentialism refers to basic needs like shelter and clothing, and the "order" of Mohist consequentialism refers to Mozi's stance against warfare and violence, which he viewed as pointless and a threat to social stability.[13] Stanford sinologist David Shepherd Nivison, in The Cambridge History of Ancient China, writes that the moral goods of Mohism "are interrelated: more basic wealth, then more reproduction; more people, then more production and wealth ... ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-2623.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-2623.txt