id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-2524 Attachment in adults - Wikipedia .html text/html 9649 1221 57 Individual differences in adult attachment behavior are reflections of the expectations and beliefs people have formed about themselves and their close relationships on the basis of their attachment histories; these "working models" are relatively stable and, as such, may be reflections of early caregiving experiences. The descriptions of adult attachment styles offered below are based on the relationship questionnaire devised by Bartholomew and Horowitz[13] and on a review of studies by Pietromonaco and Barrett.[14] When Hazen and Shaver extended attachment theory to romantic relationships in adults, they also included the idea of working models. Adults with a secure attachment style tend to express more commitment to their relationships. Collins and Feeney reviewed a number of studies showing how each attachment style relates to the willingness to self-disclose, the willingness to rely on partners, and the willingness to engage in physical intimacy. "Attachment Theory and Close Adult Relationships". "Adult attachment, working models and relationship quality in dating couples". ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-2524.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-2524.txt