id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-2097 Mere-exposure effect - Wikipedia .html text/html 3384 535 55 According to Zajonc, the mere-exposure effect is capable of taking place without conscious cognition, and "preferences need no inferences".[6] This claim has spurred much research in the relationship between cognition and affect. Goetzinger's experiment was to observe if the students would treat the black bag in accordance to Zajonc's mere-exposure effect. The effect is weaker on children, and for drawings and paintings as compared to other types of stimuli.[9] One social psychology experiment showed that exposure to people we initially dislike makes us dislike them even more.[10] In the advertising world, the mere-exposure effect suggests that consumers need not cognize advertisements: simple repetition is enough to make a "memory trace" in the consumer's mind and unconsciously affect their consuming behavior. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-2097.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-2097.txt