id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-1639 Art and emotion - Wikipedia .html text/html 5189 552 57 Hostile emotions toward art are often very visible in the form of anger or frustration, and can result in censorship, but are less easily described by a continuum of aesthetic pleasure-displeasure.[8] These reactions center around the hostility triad: anger, disgust, and contempt.[8] These emotions often motivate aggression, self-assertion, and violence, and arise from perception of the artist's deliberate trespass onto the expectations of the viewer.[8] Researchers have investigated the experience of the sublime, viewed as similar to aesthetic appreciation, which causes general psychological arousal.[13] The sublime feeling has been connected to a feeling of happiness in response to art, but may be more related to an experience of fear.[13] Researchers have shown that feelings of fear induced before looking at artwork results in more sublime feelings in response to those works.[13] Under appraisal theory, experts have a different emotional experience to art due to a preference for more complex works that they can understand better than a naive viewer.[1] Art as emotional regulation[edit] "Pupillary responses in art appreciation: Effects of aesthetic emotions". ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-1639.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-1639.txt