id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-1242 Trust (social science) - Wikipedia .html text/html 7152 956 62 In this sense, some philosophers such as Lagerspetz argue that trust is a kind of reliance, though not merely reliance.[57] Gambetta argued it is the inherent belief that others generally have good intentions which is the foundation for our reliance on them.[58] Philosophers such as Annette Baier have contended this view, establishing a difference between trust and reliance by saying that trust can be betrayed, whilst reliance can only be disappointed (Baier 1986, 235).[59] Carolyn McLeod explains Baier's argument by giving the following examples: we can rely on our clock to give the time, but we do not feel betrayed when it breaks, thus, we cannot say that we trusted it; we are not trusting when we are suspicious of the other person, because this is in fact an expression of distrust (McLeod 2006).[56] The violation of trust warrants this sense of betrayal.[60] Thus, trust is different from reliance in the sense that a trustor accepts the risk of being betrayed. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-1242.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-1242.txt