id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt citeseerx-ist-psu-edu-8212 CiteSeerX — MEASUREMENT OF ROMANTIC LOVE1 .html application/xhtml+xml 520 64 53 This study reports Ihc initial results of an attempt to introduce and validate a social-psychological construct oi " romantic love. The conception of romantic love included three com-ponents: affiliative and dependent need, a predisposition to help, and an orienta-tion of exclusiveness and absorption. The validity of the love scale was assessed in a questionnaire study and a laboratory experiment. In Western culture, moreover, the association between love and marriage gives it a unique status as a link between the individual and the structure of society. Although interpersonal attraction has been a major focus of social-psychological theory and research, workers in this area have not at-tempted to conceptualize love as an inde-pendent entity. The re-search was supported by a prccloctoral fellowship from the National Institute of Mental Health and by a grant-in-aid from the Society for the PsychoKeyphrases social-psychological construct oi romantic love ./cache/citeseerx-ist-psu-edu-8212.html ./txt/citeseerx-ist-psu-edu-8212.txt