id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-312603-ear9cyri Bakker, Craig Dynamic graphs, community detection, and Riemannian geometry 2018-03-29 .txt text/plain 10683 541 55 In this paper, we consider the problem of identifying and tracking communities in graphs that change over time – dynamic community detection – and present a framework based on Riemannian geometry to aid in this task. We describe the basics of our framework in the "Riemannian geometry and dynamic graphs" section, show how it can be applied to dynamic clustering in "A Riemannian framework for dynamic community detection" section, and compare the Riemannian methods with an entry-wise linear approach on synthetic and real network data in the "Computational experiments" section. A geodesic interpolation trajectory has a constant velocity, produces an eigenvalue product that varies linearly between endpoints that are connected graphs, and can be extrapolated indefinitely without leaving the manifold of positive-semidefinite manifolds (with constant nullspace dimension). ./cache/cord-312603-ear9cyri.txt ./txt/cord-312603-ear9cyri.txt