id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-298312-tvc39eg7 Yang, Ming China’s rural electricity market—a quantitative analysis 2004-06-30 .txt text/plain 4443 288 55 Historical data for over 20 years were collected on rural economic development, households, population, per capita income, community infrastructure development, capital investment, electricity consumption, output values in agriculture sector, and township and village enterprises (TVEs). We forecast electricity demand in the rural areas of the six provinces and tried to identify the best investment market in terms of high growth rate of electricity demand and greatest impact on rural electrification and economic development. Between 1995 and 2001, two additional hot topics have been added to China's power literature: (1) continued reform of the power industry aiming at establishing a full retail market for power sector competition; and (2) rural electricity market development. In this study, we focused on electricity market analysis and power demand forecasting for the rural areas-county level and below. ./cache/cord-298312-tvc39eg7.txt ./txt/cord-298312-tvc39eg7.txt