id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 53417 Anonymous The French Army from Within .txt text/plain 38438 1174 60 train, which contain the equivalents to the British Army Service Corps, The officers of the French Army receive their training at military the private soldier's knapsack still holds good in the French Army. Further, officers are more liable to punishment in the French Army than This brings the cavalry regiment of the French Army British troops know it; the conscript goes up to work all the time, and extent as to place the French Army, although a conscript organisation, Gunners in the French Army, as far as Field Artillery is concerned, Manoeuvres fall at the end of the military year in the French Army, two or three ways, but the conscript cook of the French Army can cook non-commissioned officers of the French Army are re-engaged men on a In the French Army men are provided with coffee before turning out for as in the British Army itself, and the training of men was modified on ./cache/53417.txt ./txt/53417.txt