id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 35466 Ward, Leslie, Sir Forty Years of 'Spy' .txt text/plain 104494 5538 74 different character, many of which are in the possession of the Hon. John Ward, M.V.O. The following letters from Sir Edwin Landseer, Mulready, and Holman same time, like all true artists, men who appreciate shades of colour a fact very soon discovered by his domestics, for one day Mr. and Mrs. Taylor returned from a walk to be met by a startled parlourmaid who course I caricatured my father in due time for _Vanity Fair_; and he --I win my case.--Sir George Lewis.--The late Lord Grimthorpe. --I win my case.--Sir George Lewis.--The late Lord Grimthorpe. painting his portrait at the time, said, "If you would like to have I had great times with my old friend, Harry stopped me and said, "I know the way, sir--I was for some time second as a lady, a great friend of his, said that a grease paint picture I ./cache/35466.txt ./txt/35466.txt