id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 54235 Ritson, Joseph The Office of Bailiff of a Liberty .txt text/plain 26034 1940 82 bailiffs of such franchises as have full return of the Kings writs, an said franchise, yet the writ shall issue to the sheriff, and he ought to to the return of writs within such franchise or liberty, shall (if and the sheriff shall not be amerced, for the bailiff hath not served panel shall be returned part by the sheriff and part by the bailiff of sheriffs, or bailiffs within franchise, shall be put the most sufficient 2._ bailiffs of franchises shall make their returns or any other bailiff, shall return upon any writ or precept to them directed sheriff or such other officer to whom the said writs shall be directed, the sheriff ought to return the Kings writ to the bailiff of the lord of and bailiffs of liberties and franchises shall truly serve and execute if any sheriff, undersheriff, bailiff or other officer shall ./cache/54235.txt ./txt/54235.txt