id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 39426 Scott, Eva Rupert, Prince Palatine .txt text/plain 129230 9707 82 jovialities" of the Princes Charles, Rupert, Maurice and Edward.[44] English resident wrote thence to Secretary Windebank: "Prince Rupert is brave Prince and hopeful soldier, Rupert," wrote the gallant Sir Philip Essex sent Balfour to intercept the Prince; Rupert and Sir Louis Dyves "Lord Digby, with whom Prince Rupert "Prince Rupert, by letters from Court, understands that the King grows "Prince Rupert professeth against Lord Digby, Percy, Wilmot and some Both Princes joined the King at Bath, and thence, by Rupert's advice, "If thou see Prince Rupert," wrote King Charles anxiously to his wife, King's party "assumed encouragements from Prince Rupert, without time, unless Prince Rupert, who is coming, find them."[50] Prince" had been visiting the Elector, who wrote of him much as Rupert the green room, where were the King, Duke of York, Prince Rupert, Lord with the King, when they were overtaken by Prince Rupert. great friend in my brother Prince Rupert. ./cache/39426.txt ./txt/39426.txt