id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 32515 nan The Maner of the Tryumphe of Caleys and Bulleyn and The Noble Tryumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne, Wyfe unto the Most Noble Kynge Henry VIII .txt text/plain 6194 698 93 the kynges grace toke his Shyppe called the Swallowe and so came to Norffolke accompanyed with my lord of Darby and a great nombre of within a myle of Bulleyn there mette with the kynges the Dolphyn beynge frensshe kynge by the hande and other lordes of Fraunce and daunced a kynges came from Bulleyn the frensshe kynge made the duke of Norffolke and day of October at Caleys our kyng made the great saluted her grace with great honour and prayse after a goodly fassyon: and of the clocke y{e} quenes grace w{h} noble ladyes in theyr robes of The lorde greate mayster Anne de momerancy.[M] [8] The Second Edition inserts: "At ye metyng of these two noble kynges Caleys of our kyng and mayster at his there beynge and optayned grace for bysshops and many other noble men that were not with the kyng at Bulleyn ./cache/32515.txt ./txt/32515.txt