id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 15306 Begbie, Harold The Mirrors of Downing Street Some Political Reflections by a Gentleman with a Duster .txt text/plain 34471 1805 71 characters of leaders like Mr. Asquith, Lloyd George, Mr. Balfour, Lord met so ignorant a man as Lloyd George!" A greater wit said of him, "I region if men like Lord Carnock were at the head of things, to provide satisfied body, the House of Commons, and no man in the public life of Soon after he had taken his chair at the War Office, Lord Kitchener "Character," says Epicharmus, "is destiny to man." Lord Kitchener, let learn to know that a man cannot give a great idea to the world without Accordingly Lord Haldane went down to the War Office, and knowing that pro-German--a man actually doing Germany's work in the British War I do not think for a moment that he was a very great man, but I can I regard Lord Inverforth as an exceedingly great man of business, I regard Lord Inverforth as one of the few very great men in commerce ./cache/15306.txt ./txt/15306.txt