id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_zyxkyoq6j5gk7fs6fcypn5ybdi Varathagini Balakumar Are we responsible for the racial inequalities of covid-19? 2020 1 .pdf application/pdf 585 114 70 Are we responsible for the racial inequalities of covid-19? The covid-19 pandemic has revealed the depth of social and racial inequalities in the United Kingdom. These inequalities existed long before the pandemic, Matter protests, which have brought inequalities and covid-19 seen in the black, Asian, and minority ethnic described as key national policies for the betterment of public health. groups rather than key priorities for public health policy. as healthcare professionals, we must take collective Covid-19 has brought us to a sombre reflection: inequalities, have our actions (or lack thereof) as healthcare professionals and as a society contributed the steep death toll of covid-19 in the BAME Covid-19 and ethnic minorities: an Covid-19 and ethnic minorities: an doi: 10.1136/bmj.m2503 pmid: 32576558 Covid-19: unique public health issues facing Black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities. This article is made freely available for use in accordance with BMJ's website ./cache/work_zyxkyoq6j5gk7fs6fcypn5ybdi.pdf ./txt/work_zyxkyoq6j5gk7fs6fcypn5ybdi.txt