id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_fsi354c6qjg7tlkwjyymqa74fq Thomas Gift "DROPPING THE BALL": The Understudied Nexus of Sports and Politics 2017 45 .pdf application/pdf 14382 1382 55 scientists and policy scholars devote little attention to the study of sports, especially compared to This lack of attention to sports in political science is striking given that other disciplines possibility is for studies on sports to simply get subsumed into the larger political science Both domestically and globally, sports implicate the biggest debates in political science. big, current-events stories involving sports that we think should interest political scientists. example, Zirin (2013) chronicles how sports shape political conflicts, looking especially at the role A particularly revealing recent anecdote of how rarely political scientists study sports scientists have, for the most part, not envisaged the world of sports as falling within either the political In short, none of the above justifications for why political scientists rarely study sports Timely Questions in Sports Politics Using the on-the-field randomness of sports to explore political questions does have some Sports Policy and Politics 8 (2): 287-304. ./cache/work_fsi354c6qjg7tlkwjyymqa74fq.pdf ./txt/work_fsi354c6qjg7tlkwjyymqa74fq.txt