bassy noted, "which has strug- gled through difficult times dur- ing the past 15 years, responded to the American delegation's vis- it with a new sense of direction and confidence." The panel will meet in Wash- ington, D.C., in July and a ses- sion on science in Chile will be presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston. Update on AAAS Cooperative Efforts with Soviet Scientific and Engineering Community A number of events have tak- en place recently involving U.S. and Soviet experts. In Septem- ber 1986 a "spacebridge" tele- conference was held on "Cher- nobyl and Three Mile Island: Implications for Intemational Cooperation in an Interdepen- dent World." With AAAS and the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sci- ences as scientific sponsors, the teleconference featured U.S. and Soviet panels focused on lessons to be learned from the two acci- dents, future energy technolo- gies, and prospects of intema- tional collaboration in energy matters. During the "spacebridge" sev- eral suggestions were put forth for cooperative projects includ- ing joint seminars with the Sovi- et Academy on energy-related issues. Copies of an edited vid- eotape of the "spacebridge," narrated by Hedrick Smith, can be purchased for $40 or rented for $20 from Search for Com- mon Ground, 2005 Massachu- setts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. Both 1/2- and 3/4- inch formats are available. At the February 1987 AAAS Annual Meeting in Chicago sev- eral Soviet experts participated in a number of symposia organ- ized by the AAAS Committee on Science, Arms Control, and National Security. Roald Sag- deev and Albert Galeev, Insti- tute for Space Research; Aleksey Arbatov, Institute of World Economy and International Re- lations; and Yuri Shiyan, Com- mittee on International Security and Arms Control, spoke at ses- sions on Alternative Approaches to Arms Control; Soviet and American Perspectives on the Geneva Arms Control Negotia- tions; Soviet Perspectives on the Strategic and INF Negotiations; Arms Control and Verification Technology; and Prospects for the Space Program: One Year After Challenger. Audiotapes of these symposia are available from Mobil Tapes Company (818-244-8122). AAAS is cosponsoring with the Soviet Academy, the Global Foundation, and the University of Miami's Center for Theoreti- cal Studies an International Sci- entific Forum on Fueling the 21st Century: Solving Tomor- row's Problems, to be held in Moscow 29 September to 6 Oc- tober 1987. Experts from around the world will address energy pros- pects for the next century, dis- cussing chemical fuels, nuclear sources, including fusion and fission, and other alternatives, as well as social and economic as- pects of energy for the future. This will be the 11th in the Forum series which is intended to consider within an indepen- dent, international, and interdis- ciplinary framework energy is- sues facing academia, industry, and government in both devel- oped and developing countries. Two hundred scientists and en- gineers are expected to take part, including participants from the "spacebridge." For further in- formation on any ofthese activi- ties, please contact the Office of International Science at the AAAS address. SANDRA M. BuRNs Office ofInternational Science Resource Directory Available The AAAS Office of Oppor- tunities in Science announces the publication of the second edition of the Resource Directoty of Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities. The Directory lists names and other data about sci- entists and engineers with dis- abilities. It is a valuable resource for educators and students seeking information on better access to educational programs, as well as agencies in the federal govern- ment, nonprofit sector members of advisory committees, and peer-review panels. The Directo- ty is especially useful to scientists and engineers who become dis- abled in midcareer and wish to learn coping strategies that oth- ers have developed. Funding for the Directory was made possible by a grant from the National Science Founda- tion. Order copies from the Office of Opportunities in Science at the AAAS address; $10 plus $3 postage and handling, prepaid. Inquire about discounts for or- ders of ten or more copies. A braille edition is available. "The Hole in the Sky" Transcripts Available The fourth annual Benjamin Franklin Lecture featured Susan Solomon, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion chemist and leader of the National Ozone Expedition 1986, Antarctica. Copies of the transcript of Solomon's lecture entitled, "The Hole in the Sky," are available upon request from Patricia S. Curlin, Committee on Public Understanding of Sci- ence and Technology, at the AAAS address. The Benjamin Franklin Lec- ture series is a featured activity of National Science and Tech- nology Week. Each year, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Science Founda- tion, and the AAAS cosponsor this event, intended for a general audience. Chairmen and Secretaries of AAAS Sections MATHEMATICS (A) Hyman Bass Lynn Arthur Steen PHYSICS (B) Herman Feshbach Rolf M. Sinclair CHEMISTRY (C) Norman Hackerman Jean'ne M. Shreeve ASTRONOMY (D) Jay M. Pasachoff John E. Gaustad GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY (E) George Rapp, Jr. Helen M. McCammon BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (G) Judith H. Willis Judith P. Grassle ANTHROPOLOGY (H) John E. Yellen Priscilla Reining PSYCHOLOGY (J) Michael I. Posner William N. Dember SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND POLITICAL SCIENCES (K) Peter H. Rossi William R. Freudenburg HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (L) Joseph W. Dauben Arthur L. Norberg ENGINEERING (M) Robert F. Cotellessa W. Edward Lear MEDICAL SCIENCES (N) Helen M. Ranney Henry Blackburn AGRICULTURE (0) Charles 0. Gardner Ralph J. McCracken INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE (P) Daniel Berg Robert L. Stem EDUCATION (0) Rita W. Peterson Joseph D. Novak DENTISTRY (R) Clifton 0. Dummett Marie U. Nylen PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (S) Klaus G. Florey Betty-ann Hoener INFORMATION, COMPUTING, AND COMMUNICATION (T) Joyce Friedman Elliot R. Siegel STATISTICS (U) Ramanathan Gnanadesikan Joan R. Rosenblatt ATMOSPHERIC AND HYDROSPHERIC SCI- ENCES (W) Robert A. Duce William H. Beasley SOCIETAL IMPACTS OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (X) Janice G. Hamrin Rosemary A. Chalk GENERAL INTEREST IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (Y) Dael Wolfle James M. McCullough AAAS Divisions ARCTIC DIVISION Thomas Morehouse President Gunter E. Weller Executive Secretary CARIBBEAN DIVISION Juan A. Bonnet, Jr. President Lucy Gaspar Secretary-Treasurer PACIFIC DIVISION Orrin E. Smith President Alan E. Leviton Executive Director SOUTHWESTERN AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN DIVISION Russell Larsen President M. Michelle Balcomb Executive Director For more information about the activities and publica- tions described in "AAAS News," write to the appropri- ate office, AAAS, 1333 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005, unless other- wise indicated. AAAS NEWS 853 JULY I987 o n A p ril 5 , 2 0 2 1 h ttp ://scie n ce .scie n ce m a g .o rg / D o w n lo a d e d fro m Resource Directory Available DOI: 10.1126/science.237.4810.85-a (4810), 85.237Science ARTICLE TOOLS PERMISSIONS Terms of ServiceUse of this article is subject to the is a registered trademark of AAAS.ScienceScience, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. The title (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published by the American Association for the Advancement ofScience 1987 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. o n A p ril 5 , 2 0 2 1 h ttp ://scie n ce .scie n ce m a g .o rg / D o w n lo a d e d fro m