News N E W S ^ A group o f eleven historians from six countries, led by Professor Thorolf Rafto o f N o r w a y , issued a joint press statement on August 14, 1980, at the 15th International Congress o f the Historical Sciences in Bucharest, Rumania, calling attention to a book published that month in the Federal Republic of Germany under the editorship of Vilém Precan entitled, Acta Creationis: Independent Historiography in Czechoslovakia, 1969-1980. This statement read, " W e believe, as do all responsible historians, that freedom to think, to write, to publish, and to travel are essential for all historical work. W e should therefore like to call your attention to a volume which contains a collection o f essays by Czechoslovak historians supplemented by a bibliography of works completed but not published in Czechoslovakia since 1969." Dr. Precan, w h o was responsible for publication and distribution o f the pamphlet Acta Persecutionis at the 14th International Congress of the Historical Sciences in San Francisco in 1975, was forced to choose between prison in Czechoslovakia and exile for that action, which described the way in which the Czechoslovak government had dismissed many professional historians from their positions and forced them to undertake menial tasks after 1968. He now resides at Ferd.-Wallbrecht-Strasse 49, D-3000 Hannover 1, in the Federal Republic o f Germany. The splendid volume he has edited includes a bibliography o f unpublished works which Czechoslovak historians have written "for the drawer" in the last twelve years, as well as six articles com- pleted in Czechoslovakia which deal with various aspects of Czechoslovak history from the fifteenth century until the 1970s and which Dr. Precan has obtained for publication. The scholars w h o signed the declaration included Professor Rafto, Pro- fessors William Chaloner and Ralph Henry Charles Davis o f the United Kingdom, René N . Girault o f France, Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Gotthold Rhode o f the Federal Republic o f Germany, Marina Thorborg of Sweden, and Robert F. Byrnes, Gordon Craig, and Albright G. Zimmerman of the United S t a t e s . — R O B E R T F. B Y R N E S , Indiana University, Bloomington. ^ The annual meeting o f the Southern Historical Association is a regional conclave bringing together historians of the most diverse interests. An appre- ciable number of sessions each year is devoted to the history of Europe (in- cluding Russia) and its colonies. The 1982 annual meeting will be held in Louisville, Kentucky, during the second week of November. Proposals for 294 Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 02:04:48, subject to the News 295 sessions and papers are now being requested. While all proposals are welcome, fully developed sessions have the best chance for favorable consideration. Proposals with brief abstracts and vitae should be sent by October 1,1981, to Professor Michael Kennedy, Vice-Chairman, SHA Program Committee for 1982, Department of History, Winthrop College, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29733- ^ The United States Army Military History Institute sponsors an advanced research program in military history. Individuals selected to work as "ad- vanced research project associates" receive a $500 grant to cover expenses while conducting research and writing at the Institute. Deadline for sub- mission of applications is January 1. Request a form from Benjamin Franklin Cooling, Assistant Director for Historical Services, Department of the Army, U.S. Army Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania 17013. ^ The Berkshire Conference of Women Historians will award its annual prizes for the best book and the best article in any field of history written by a woman and published during 1981. Submissions for the book award should be sent to Jean Christie, 34 Bellingham Lane, Great Neck, New York 11023, and for the article award to Asuncion Lavrin, Department of History, H o w - ard University, Washington, D.C. 20059. Two copies of the book or article are required. Deadline for submission is February i , 1982. ^ The editors of a proposed seven-volume Biographical Dictionary of Mod- ern European Radicals and Socialists, to be published by Harvester Press, are seeking contributors with specific knowledge of European radicals and so- cialists. The dictionary will cover from 1780 to the present, and the first volume, from 1780 to 1815. Write Dr. P. Nicholls and Dr. P. Marsh, Institute of Advanced Studies, Manchester Polytechnic, All Saints Manchester MI 5 6BH, England, for further information or to indicate an individual on whom you could contribute an entry. ^ The Roger M. Blough Learning Center at Susquehanna University, Se- linsgrove, Pennsylvania, has received a complete set of copies of the personal papers of Vidkun Quisling, minister president of Norway under German occupation, executed for treason in October 1945. This is the only institu- tionally held set of papers outside of Scandinavia. Maria Quisling, Vidkun's widow, bequeathed the papers in recognition of an article by the late Lyder L. Unstad published in the Susquehanna University Studies in 1959. Unstad raised the question of the contradiction between Quisling's patriotic attitudes and his treasonous collaboration, citing evidence contrary to the popular opinion that he had aided the German invasion. Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 02:04:48, subject to the