LXX. A letter from Benjamin Franklin, LL. D. and F. R. S. to the Reverend Thomas Birch, D. D. and Secretary to the Royal Society C 4 5 6 ] I directed him pills of Millepedes and G um A m m o­ niac made up with Bal. Sulph. to be taken twice a day, drinking warm milk after th e m ; by which means, he grew perfe&ly well, and went to fea in twelve days. LXX. A L e tte r fr o m Benjamin Franklin, L L * D.and F. R. S . to the R everen d Thomas Birch, D> D . an d Secretary to the R oyal Society. S I R , Craven-Street, Feb. 4, 1762. Read Feb. 4, j i tWR. Canton did me the favour to X ▼ X &ew me the ingenious experi­ ments he has defcribed in the inclofed letter. T hey fucceeded perfectly as he has related th e m ; and I imagine, the communication of them muft be agree* able to the curious in this branch o f natural know­ ledge. I am, S I R , W ith great relpeft, Your moft obedient and moft humble fervant, B. Franklin. h X K L A D ow nl oa de d fr om h tt ps :/ /r oy al so ci et yp ub li sh in g. or g/ o n 05 A pr il 2 02 1