LXXIII. Extract of a letter from Mr. John Bartram, of Philadelphia, to Benjamin Franklin, LL. D. F. R. S. relating to a remarkable Aurora borealis [ 474 I LX XIII. E x tr a B o f a L e tte r fr o m M r . Jo h n Bartram, o f Philadelphia, to Benjamin Franklin, L L . D . F. R . S. relating to a remarkable Aurora Borealis-. Philadelphia, Nov. 12, 1757* Read Feb. 25, IT T E R E is a vifible Aurora borealis •$, 17̂ 2, J£”j [ at feven o’clock, it was about two hours high, to the northward pretty bright, Soon after daylight difappeared, it was much more ead, where it was-redder, with feme faint dreamers, whofe points reached near forty-five degrees elevation, which icon difappeared, and the light defcended,, by degrees* under the pole, and by ten o’clock was near extin&v I lhould be very glad to know, whether (and how), it appeared this night with you* which may afilft in fome philosophical enquiries. I have not. obferved? any, this fall, before. Yederday, the weather was cool? and clear* and the wind pretty drong. at north.; and* I believe this the colded evening we have had this fall* though this week we had ice as thick as a dollar. Extract of the Anfwer to the above .. London, Jan. 11, 1758.. 1 T hank you for your account of the Aurora. A very. * confiderable one appeared here the Tame evening,, being Saturday, November 12. I did no t f e it, but have heard of it from feveral. I f it was the fame, that' you law, it m ud have been very high, or very extern- five* as the two places are 1000 leagues afunder. LX X IV . Oh- D ow nl oa de d fr om h tt ps :/ /r oy al so ci et yp ub li sh in g. or g/ o n 05 A pr il 2 02 1