id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_ogzdehud6rbblokobi3ngkzibe T. Lane Description of an Electrometer Invented by Mr. Lane; with an Account of Some Experiments Made by Him with It: In a Letter to Benjamin Franklin, LL. D. F. R. S 1767 11 .pdf application/pdf 3132 628 99 Description of an electrometer invented by Mr. Lane; with an account of some experiments made by him with it: In a letter to Benjamin Franklin, LL. the glafs is fix inches in length, and fixteen in fcrew H in one hand, and another wire fixed to the an inch, a very fmall ftroke will b6 perceived, w ith o f an inch; or 1 turn o f th e fdfew ; the fame inch 5 and if K and M are diftant 3 turns o f the and if a phial, with twice the quantity of coated happen if two coated phials, each equal to D, are ufed 5 and if three phials, the number o f turns will the phial,* to prevent the eleCtric fluid's wafting, and phial was added to increafe the ftroke* pieces w ith nearly the fame quantity o f the eledric point of the lower wire* Another phial was fitted ./cache/work_ogzdehud6rbblokobi3ngkzibe.pdf ./txt/work_ogzdehud6rbblokobi3ngkzibe.txt