id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_crsdrislprcc7nusluho42wl54 H Taussig Comments on the new Rhode Island Mental Health Law 1974 2 .pdf application/pdf 1022 60 64 Being asked to report on the Rhode Island Mental Health law of 1974, I certainly Department of Community Mental Health. the Department of Mental Health, a dedicated young lawyer from the Rhode Island Legal Services presented at a public forum a draft for such a law, for possible introduction into the legislature at that time. his proposal was, it could possibly result in a person's "dying with his civil rights on" soon became apparent that a person's civil rights and due process were too precious to with the self-appointed task to write a new draft law within a year, in time for the next focused on the subject at hand: how to reconcile a genuine right to treatment with At times, the mental health professionals came perilously near the Comments on the New Rhode Island Mental Health Law 197 Comments on the New Rhode Island Mental Health Law 197 ./cache/work_crsdrislprcc7nusluho42wl54.pdf ./txt/work_crsdrislprcc7nusluho42wl54.txt