id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_ngerwoftsbakvexyqxb6autizu Carl Senior Beauty in the Brain of the Beholder 2003 4 .pdf application/pdf 3596 216 48 end, female observers may consider male faces to beEvolutionary theory suggests that facial beauty signals tween beautiful faces that are rewarding in the sensethese markers are considered attractive by male observthat they have an adaptive value (i.e., attractive different-ers, the estrogen to testosterone ratio fluctuates with ensure that the amygdala (or amygdaloid complex) isparallel to this, the superior temporal sulcus has reciprocal projections to the intrapariatal sulcus, where spatial well situated to play an important role in the computations that underpin the perception of beautiful faces. Due to the relay nature of the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens thus enjoys reciprocal connectivity ful female faces to be rewarding to look at and rated longer at the beautiful female faces, showing that onlyminergic brain reward areas does suggest that it may It was hypothesized that male observers would of the reward value inherent in beautiful female faces. of signal response in the nucleus accumbens for perception of aesthetic and rewarding beautiful faces, these ./cache/work_ngerwoftsbakvexyqxb6autizu.pdf ./txt/work_ngerwoftsbakvexyqxb6autizu.txt