id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_jsknnd2ypzfpvmij5w5orizkee Robert Weadon Rollings Polyhedra expressed through the beauty of wood 2010 8 .pdf application/pdf 2874 230 75 lathe turned wood to present the models shown in an aesthetically pleasing and artistic way. platonic solids (tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, docedahedron and icosahedron) has been interpreted through The five platonic solids are the tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), octahedron, dodecahedron and fitting into holes drilled into the ½ inch spheres representing The tetrahedron in Figure 3 was initially turned as a 6 The 6 inch cube in Figure 4 is a hexahedron designed to be a The grouping shown in Figure 5 was one of my first attempts at working with platonic solids. Figure 8 is titled Piece-Peace Suspended. The simple web of the icosahedron (Figure 10) emphasizes web is created using spindles and spheres for the vertices as Figure 10: Web icosahedron In the following pieces I have used the solid faces of the The piece shown in Figure 16 was completely turned on This is a web model of a stellated icosahedron (Figure ./cache/work_jsknnd2ypzfpvmij5w5orizkee.pdf ./txt/work_jsknnd2ypzfpvmij5w5orizkee.txt