id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3e James Andreoni Beauty, gender and stereotypes: Evidence from laboratory experiments 2008 32 .pdf application/pdf 9957 848 69 premium to beauty, with attractive people earning more money than unattractive When only the total group contribution is observable, attractive men wish to examine the e¤ects of beauty on earnings and women are disproportionately rated more attractive than men, we take into consideration both gender and We do not �nd evidence that the beauty premium observed in the No Information treatment is due to more sel�sh behavior by attractive people. People seem to expect attractive men and women to be more cooperative people, there is no signi�cant di¤erence across treatments in the average contribution of nonattractive people in groups with attractive people. In groups with no attractive people, men contribute 59.9%, but this declines to nonattractive men and women may hold di¤erent beauty stereotypes. groups with more attractive people, but only when individual contributions are be more helpful than men, people are more cooperative in groups of women than ./cache/work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3e.pdf ./txt/work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3e.txt