id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_7ltcmk75kncfdfv6no75ldeaki Kristóf Fenyvesi Mathematical Aesthetics in a Beautiful Town: Bridges Coimbra 2011 2012 5 .pdf application/pdf 3258 439 55 Interdisciplinary discussions on the relations between mathematics and the arts, science, aesthetics, and artistic practice have a long history. components of the Bridges Conferences, in addition to formal presentations, are gallery displays children; working sessions with artists and mathematicians who are crossing the mathematicsarts boundaries; mathematical poetry readings; before, presenting intriguing ideas in mathematics, Studies Department at Jyväskylä University, Finland; curator-in-chief of the Ars Geometrica International Conference series, Pécs, Hungary, which hosted the Bridges World Math-Art Gallery (Eger College, Hungary); and coordinator of community events of the Bridges Organization. Manuel Arala Chaves (University of Porto, a member of the directing board of the Atractor ProjectInteractive Mathematics), Paulus Gerdes, and João Mathematics Is Art An exhibition of mathematical art has been an Unlike much mathematical art that is purely The Bridges math/art short movie festival, of arts and sciences at Western New England University) read translated modern Iranian poems. ./cache/work_7ltcmk75kncfdfv6no75ldeaki.pdf ./txt/work_7ltcmk75kncfdfv6no75ldeaki.txt