Babel's builders unmasking themselves as appears by the following paper from Barbadoes, (promoted by George for his party, and subscribed by eighty two of them.) With a letter of G.F.'s, G.W.'s, &c, in answer thereunto; and observations thereupon. Also, a false prophecy of that lying prophet, Solomon Eccles. Published for undeceiving the simple, and in abhorrence and detestation of the principle and practice contained in the said paper; they being of an evil tendency, and contrary to the doctrine of Christ and his apostles, or of any sincere-hearted Protestants, or true Christians this day. By T.C. Crisp, Thomas, 17th cent. 1681 Approx. 44 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 9 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2005-10 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). 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Published for undeceiving the simple, and in abhorrence and detestation of the principle and practice contained in the said paper; they being of an evil tendency, and contrary to the doctrine of Christ and his apostles, or of any sincere-hearted Protestants, or true Christians this day. By T.C. Crisp, Thomas, 17th cent. Fox, George, 1624-1691. Eccles, Solomon, 1618-1683. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 16 p. [s.n.], London : printed in the year, 1681. T.C. = Thomas Crisp. Reproduction of the original in the Friends House Library, London. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. Re-processed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. 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Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site . eng 2004-11 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2004-12 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2005-01 Andrew Kuster Sampled and proofread 2005-01 Andrew Kuster Text and markup reviewed and edited 2005-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion Babel's Builders Unmasking Themselves , As appears by the following PAPER from Barbadoes , ( promoted by George For his Party , and subscribed by Eighty two of them . ) With a LETTER of G. F's , G. W's , &c. in Answer thereunto ; and OBSERVATIONS thereupon . Also , a FALSE PROPHECY of that Lying Prophet , SOLOMON ECCLES . Published for undeceiving the Simple , and in Abhorrence and Detestation of the Principle and Practice contained in the said Paper ; they being of an evil tendency , and contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles , or of any sincere-hearted Protestants , or true Christians this day . By T. C. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts , Hearken not unto the words of the Prophets that prophesy unto you ; — they speak a Vision of their own hearts , and not out of the Mouth of the Lord. Jer. 23. 16. Thy Prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee , and they have not discovered thine Iniquity — but seen for thee false Prophecies . Lam. 2. 14. LONDON , Printed in the Year , 1681. THE PREFACE . THE Intent of the Publication of this ensuing Paper and Letter , &c. is not to reflect or reproach in general the People called Quakers , or in contempt of their Principle : for God hath a People among them , many of whom have long been reviled and falsly accused and slandered , because they have conscientiously refused to conform to Prescriptions without Conviction , and are therefore termed Separates , Stubborn , Cains , Judases , Apostats , and what not , that may make them odious to honest People ? But this is to manifest the Apostacy and Innovasions of a few of them that are of the Foxonian Sect , which love Preheminence , and term themselves the Body and Elders , and the Church , and presume to give Laws and Orders to others to conform to , or else be accounted Infidels , Rebels , &c. when it is evident the cause of their Rage against them ( they call Separates , &c. ) is , because they will not rebel against the Light in their own Hearts : So it 's those that pretend themselves the Church , Elders , &c. that would cause the People to rebel , therefore may be said , they are like Jeroboam the Son of Nebat , who made Israel to sin . Also G. F. &c. have manifested themselves to be Lo here 's ( which Christ commanded should not be gone after ) as appears by their Letter herein , produced and pretended as a disowning that Paper or Judgment , but doth chiefly endeavour to stifle it from going abroad , because it manifests their Confusion . And that G. F.'s &c. Universal Spirit they so often mention , is not that which Peter had , Acts 10. 24. which accepts all that fear God , and work Righteousness , but they hedg up the way to Acceptance with God , and leave no Entrance , but by their Forms of Men and Womens Meetings ; contrary to Christ , who said , I am the Way , &c. Also they ascribe that to their Orders and Meetings , which the Scripture ascribes to Christ. And G. F. &c. are so fond of Proselytes to their Orders and Meetings , that notwithstanding this Paper and Judgment is so repugnant to their pretended Foundation-Principle , yet they give not a word of sharp Reproof to it in all their Letter ; as the Apostle to the Galatians , Who hath bewitched you ? but they , instead thereof , give high Commendations : Therefore with sorrow it may be said , as formerly of literal Jerusalem , so now of Jerusalem from above , Her Adversaries are the Chief , her Enemies prevail ; and Blindness is in part hapned to Israel . This hath the Lord suffered to come to pass , that no Flesh should glory in his sight . Therefore be humbled and fear before Him , for their presuming that they are God's People , and that they have his Wisdom and Power with them , therefore they conclude what they do act as the Body or Church , is of God , and must stand as his Will and Counsel , and for want of his Power ( which alone makes his People willing ) they fly to their pretended Church-Power and Authority , and , Saul-like , desire to have Honour before the People ; but what Power theirs is , on which they ground their Authority to proceed against the Dissenters from their prescribed Forms of Meetings , &c. hear Isaac Pennington's Judgment , That Power therefore in the Church which spares the Hypocrites ( who can easily comply with an outward Conformity in Worship without feeling an inward Life and Virtue ) but lights heavy on that which is tender and shy in matters of Worship , that is not the true Church-Power , at best but a Counterfeit of the True. The Lord God preserve and deliver us from those of the Spirit of Gehazi , who falsly use the Master's Name , when he never sent them . Even so , Amen , saith T. Crisp. At a Quarterly Meeting at Ralph Fretwell's House in Barbadoes the 23d day of the tenth Month , 1680. THE sum of the Testimony this day born amounts to this : That there is this day a Choice to be made , viz. Whether Friends will cleave and abide unto the Universal Spirit of the living God , and each give up their whole Concerns ; with which Spirit the Faithful have Unity ? Or , Whether they will give up unto the Judgment unto their own Particular , or Particulars only , with which the Judgment General of the Meeting have not Urity ? After very many Testimonies given , to the further opening of the Question , the Judgment underneath was written , being voluntarily subscribed unto by each Particular of this Meeting , or by their Order their Names were hereunto put . I desire to give up my whole Concern , if required , both Spiritual and Temporal , unto the Judgment of the Spirit of God in the Men and Womens Meetings : as believing it to be more according to the Universal Wisdom of God , than any particular measure in my self , or any particulars with which the Men and Women̄s Meetings have not Unity . Subscribed by Men 39. Women 43. Total 82. The Party that sent the above-said , writes thus , viz. This Paper hath been promoted in sundry other Meetings since , and subscribed : some few have refused : in abhorrence whereof other Perswasions have Posted it . Here follows the Letter of G. F. &c. to the Quarterly Meeting at Barbadoes touching the said Paper ; whereby it may be seen how , and wherein they own or disown it . NOw dear Friends , if this Order or Judgment should come into the hands of any Apostates or Opposers , they would make ill work with it , and say that we set up an Arbitrary Power over Mens Consciences and Properties , and an implicit Faith and Submission , without inward Conviction * ; And that we divided the measure of God in a Particular , from the Universal Spirit of God in other Particulars in Men and Womens Meetings . And as for subscribing unto such an Order or Judgment , they would say , it was like the Scots Covenant ‖ ; and as tho the measure of the Faith and Spirit of God in themselves , was not agreeable to the Universal Spirit and Faith in the Men and Womens Meetings ; and that if they should go from the measure of Faith and Spirit of God in their own particulaers , and to give up both their Spiritual and Temporal Concerns to the Universal Spirit in Men and Womens Meetings . This would be the way to bring them all from the measure of the Spirit in their own particulars . For how can the Men and Women in the Universal Spirit receive that which is not given up from the Universal Spirit : therefore all must be left to the Universal Spirit in their own measures thereof ; and as for the Stubborn and Wilfull , that are against Men and Womens Meetings , the Universal Spirit cannot receive that . And all are to give up to the Universal Spirit of God in their own Particulars , in which Spirit they have Unity and Fellowship without outward Subscription , and to be led by the same Spirit to see their Names written in Heaven in this Gospel-day of Light and Life , and this is and was the Saints Testimony in the New-Covenant of Light and Life , and their Heavenly Subcription , which is above all outward Subcriptions both among the Jews and Professors , for one ties them below , and the other ties them above . And for any to say they desire to give up their whole concerns both Spiritual and Temporal unto the Judgment of the Spirit of God in Men and Womens Meetings , as believing it to be more according to the universal Wisdom of God , than any particular measure in my self , or any particulars . Now this would make the belief which is in the Light , and the measure of the Spirit in their own particulars , not one with the Universal Spirit in the said Meetings . And as for those that the Men and Womens meetings in the universal Spirit of God have not Unity with , they are erred from their own measures of the Spirit of God ; but the Universal Spirit of God has Unity with the least measure now , as it was in the Apostles days , who kept every one to their own measure ; which was both the great Rule and Line of the New Creature in the Believers and Saints then , and so with that the Universal Spirit in the Apostles and Elders then had , and now have Unity . And therefore , dear Friends , we know your care and tenderness of Truth , and that you aim at the best things * , and have had much to do with some loose Spirits there : and therefore our desires are , that you would stop this Paper from going any further , lest some should get Copies of it , and spread amongst bad Spirits ; and keep in the general tender Spirit of God , that in love you may answer the measure of the Spirit of God in them that are convinced by it , and in them that err from it . And the Man of God must not strive , but be gentle towards all . And so concluding with the Apostle's tender Advice , 1 Cor. 1. 10. Now I beseech you , Brethren , by the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ , that you all speak the same thing , and that there be no Divisions amongst you , but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind , and in the same judgment . And Phil. 2. 2 , 3. Fulfill you my joy ; that you be like-minded , having the same Love , being of one accord , of one mind . Let nothing be done through strife , or vain-glory , but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves . And 1 Pet. 3. 8. Finally , be all of one mind , having compassion one of another , love as Brethren : Be pitiful , be ▪ courteous . Now as for your Subscription to an outward tie , be above such things ; forasmuch as You are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ , written not with Ink , but , with the Spirit of the living God ; which Spirit hath given you Life , and will bring you to the City of the living God , the Heavenly Jerusalem , and to the General Assembly and Church of the first-born , which are written in Heaven , &c. London the 20th of the 4th Month , 1681. Your dear Friends and Brethren in our Lord Jesus Christ , in whom you have Peace , Life , and Salvation . GEORGE FOX . ALEX. PARKER . GEO. WHITEHEAD . Now by this Letter of G. F. &c. they either condemn the aforesaid Paper , or not : if they condemn it , then these three particular Persons condemn the Judgment of the Universal Spirit of God ( as they call it ) in the Men and Womens Meetings : if they do not condemn it , then they fall in with them in contradiction to their first Principles . But it is observed , that they rather dislike the wording it , than the matter of it , and would have it believed that those Measures in Particular Persons which Men and Womens Meetings have not Unity with , They are erred from their own Measures of the Spirit of God , and are stubborn , wilful , and the like . Thus do they condemn the conscientious Refusers , and greatly magnify the Authors of the said Paper , and do fully assert their Authority . As for their advising against such Subscriptions , it may be observ'd that their Reasons are , Lest Apostats or Opposers ( as they call them ) should make ill work with it , and say such and such things as do clearly follow from it . Not that these three Men are against the Substance or Doctrine couched in the subscribed Paper ; but they are afraid to give the World ( that which some have long seen ) such a clear instance of their Apostacy from their former Principles ; and their Ambition in having all the Quakers subject to them : for these Men and Womens Meetings must do nothing which does not agree with the Judgment of G. F. and his Elders . Let all sober Men judg of the turnings and twinings that are to be discovered in these two Papers , that from Barbadoes , and that from London ; and how inconsistent they are with themselves , and their first Principles . A● for the aforesaid Paper from Barbadoes , wherein is exprest the Judgment of the Quarterly Meeting , I take it to be neither according to Scripture , nor the Principles of Truth ! And first , for Scripture ; By it you make void the New Covenant , or Law written in the Heart . Of which it is said , Heb. 8. 11. They shall not need to teach every Man his Brother , saying , Know the Lord ; but all shall know me from the least to the greatest . And John 2. The Anointing which you have received of Him , abideth in you , you need not any Man to teach you , but as That teacheth , &c. But your Judgment contradicts these , ( viz. Give up your whole Concern , Spiritual and Temporal , if required , unto the Spirit of God ( as you say ) in Men and Womens Meetings , believing it to be more according to the Universal Wisdom of God , than any particular measure in your selves , &c. But the Scripture saith , None know the things of God but the Spirit of God. And how shall any one know what the Meeting requires is according to the Spirit of God , if not by a measure of it in themselves ? It is also said , If our Heart condemn us , God is greater : but if that condemn us not , then have we confidence towards God. For if it please God to reveal any thing to any Particular , and the General deny or disown it , then that Particular must deny that Revelation , and give up to the General . According to this Doctrine I cannot see how the Church should ever be restored out of the Apostacy , unless God first reveal Himself to the General ; which seems to be contrary to His way of Manifestation to this very day : For what must John have done with his Revelations and Message to the Asian Churches , Sardis and Laodicea , who had a name to live , and were dead ? and said , they were rich , and encreased in Goods , and wanted nothing . They thought well of themselves , and had but few Names left , ( not the Generality ) yet were mistaken , and Apostatized , and reproved by a Particular . Now , according to your Judgment , John , and the few Names , ought to have given up to the General , and not to his Particular Revelation . Also all the Reformations since the Apostacy , have been begun by Particulars , and opposed and persecuted by the General ; therefore it is not , as you say , most agreeing to the Wisdom of God , to cleave to the Judgment of the General , but to the Particular Manifestation ; although the Judgment General have not unity therewith . For if a Particular may reprove the General , surely he ought to cleave to his Particular measure for his own Belief and Practice , although the General have not unity therewith : for what is not of Faith , is Sin , much more what is contrary thereto . For if any Meeting require any one to do or believe contrary to their own measure : whoever obeys them , becomes therein a Servant to these Persons or Meetings ; for it is said , His Servants ye are , whom ye obey . Hereby you call such Men , or Meetings , your Master , or Father , which is contrary to Christs Command . O Friends , strain not at Gnats , and swallow such Camels ! which the 82 seem to me to have done . Secondly ; That it is against the Principles of Truth , is plain enough , and needs no proof : For by that we are taught to be guided by the manifestation of God's Spirit in our hearts , to speak and act , as thereby instructed , and that the Judgment of Truth through a part of Christ's Members , cannot become a Bond on others further than their Understandings are illuminated thereby . These two Positions the Judgment aforesaid seems to contradict . Also read E. B. & I. P's Works , or any ancient Friends , they all direct to the Light in our own Hearts or Consciences , as the only and sufficient Guide and Leader ▪ But you not only contradict Scripture , and Friends Testimonies , but have given such an unlimited power to Meetings , and not contented to give that to Men which never before was given , since Protestantism , but to Women also , in which the Scripture is silent ; or what it says is rather against their having any power or rule , but to be subject . Nay , this unlimited Power was one of the heavy weights in the Pope's Yoke , that made it so uneasy to England in times of Popery ; neither can I find that ever in England the Pope , or any Church , gained this Point by all their Stratagems , Wars , &c. as you have granted , ( viz. Spirituals and Temporals . ) The Christian State is said to be a Glorious Liberty , but your Judgment makes them Slaves and Vassals , and will cause any Understanding Men to avoid submitting to such a Church that hath so unlimited a Power ; 't is much safer submitting to a Church which makes the Scripture their Rule ; for there one may know what they may or can require of one , but yours ( after one hath given up Spirituals , &c. ) may still require more without measure , if you pretend or stamp such Requirings with the name of the Universal Spirit of God , as Experience teacheth hath been too frequent . What is become of all our Protesting Fore-Fathers , according to your judgment ? for you seem to have acquitted Rome of all their Blood , and yet they had not only the Judgment of the generality of the Church , but of the Magistracy and Law of the Nation against them , which was of greater Authority than your Womens Meetings , for which there is no Precept , Precedent , nor Law , but against . I am ashamed that after all this Light and Knowledg pretended , any should make such a long stride towards Rome , which now is very unseasonable ; for if but one more such , I know not but you may both too soon meet and imbrace each other . But if any say we mistake you , you do not give up to the Meeting , but to the Spirit of God , &c. But W. Pen's Address , &c. and other Testimonies , I think answer that , viz. A Man may falsly believe , as the true Church believes : and if I believe only , because she believes , and not because I am convinced in my own Understanding and Conscience , my Faith is false , tho hers be true . p. 146. Also E. Burrough saith , Every one is to mind the Teachings of the Spirit of Christ in himself , for to that he is to stand or fall . p. 852. Now that which further aggravates and makes this Judgment the worse , is , that it should come from such persons as G. F. &c. writes , the 82 Subscribers to be , viz ▪ manifestly declared the Epistle of Christ , written with the Spirit of the living God , which Spirit hath given you Life , and will bring you to the City of the living God , &c. High-grown Christians , or G. F. &c. highly mistaken ! Thus what you have done seems to be to the dishonour of Truth , and contrary to what you once professed : for the sufficiency of light in your own hearts was that Gospel you received , and they preached at first , for all to cleave to , and abide by , & give up to . But now to give up to the Requirings of others , altho contrary to That ; what more like another Gospel ? Therefore I beseech you mind the Exhortation , If We , or an Angel from Heaven bring any other Gospel , than that you have received , let him be accursed . And avoid all such Questions as these are , and the Propounders thereof , for they are but foolish Questions , yea , worse , and will gender to strife ; therefore let no Men ( nor Women especially ) rule over you , neither receive their Traditions for Doctrines , further than manifested by the Truth in your own Hearts , and in the Scriptures . Are ye so foolish as to believe that the Requirings of Men and Womens Meetings , without Scripture-evidence , or manifestation by the Light in your own Hearts , can give you acceptance with God ? when as Christ said to them that said they had prophesied , and cast out Devils , and done many mighty works in his Name , Depart , I know you not , &c. And think you such unwarrantable requirings , and implicit giving up , can stand you in stead ? Nay , this perswasion cometh not of God , but , as was prophesied in Scripture , Some shall arise from among your selves , speaking perverse things . Remember from whence ye are fallen , and return to the measure of Truth in your own selves , and arise and depart from such Judgments , for fear it be fulfilled on you , as was said against some of old , when they knew God , they glorified him not as God ; they became vain in their imaginations , and their foolish hearts were darkned : Therefore I pray be not so soon moved and tossed up and down by these windy , Arbitrary and implicit Judgments of Men , who have Mens Persons and Orders in admiration , because of advantage ; for such serve not Christ but themselves : but mind the Truth in your own Hearts , and according , as the Apostle said , let every one be fully perswaded in his own mind . You must answer for your selves to God , when it shall be said , Who required these things at your hands ? Will any Men or Women , or outward written Orders , have greater force than Moses and the Prophets ? Nay ; but as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God ; this Spirit , Christ said he would send , should be in them . Think me not your Enemy , because I deal plainly with you : For it is in Love to Truth ( and abhorrence of Arbitrary and Unlimited Power , and implicit , blind and unacceptable Obedience ) that I write to you , desiring the Lord may open your Understandings to know his Will , and what is acceptable ; and I recommend you to the Spirit of Grace in your own Hearts , which is able through Faith in Christ , to preserve you blameless and harmless in this crooked Generation ; to God alone be Glory and Dominion for ever . Friends , mind the good Sermon of Christ on the Mount ; also the sound Exhortations in the Epistles of Paul and Peter , &c. which , as in Faith read and considered , may be helpful and useful to the Man of God in words and works . Forasmuch as the foregoing Letter of G. F. &c. to Barbadoes was produced , as a proof of their denial of the said Paper , I have read it , and observe this therefrom , That they are more afraid of its Publication , than ashamed of the Matter ; and do more object the subscribing the Paper , than owning the Principle : as appears by their words , If it should come into the hands of Opposers , &c. they would say we set up Arbitrary Power , and Implicit Faith , &c. which are the plain tendency thereof . But it is needful to know what they mean by the Universal Spirit , being that is so often mentioned . I take it to be the Opinion or Judgment of the Ruling Party ( or Foxonians ) among the Quakers ; because they exclude those who oppose their Orders , as being Apostats , and gone out from the Universal Spirit . Also I take this Spirit of theirs not to be the Universal Spirit of God , but a private selfish Spirit of their own : Because they say , As for the Stubborn and Wilfull that are against Men and Womens Meetings , the Universal Spirit cannot receive that . Now those they term Stubborn , &c. are not against Men and Womens Meetings , but differ about the Form and Power thereof ; they are only against Women having Meetings apart from the Men , when they have no business requires it : not against them in Cities , great Towns and Places where they live near together , and occasions require ; but only in Counties where they live remote from each other , and have no business . Also about the Form of Marriages , &c. For these Persons , who they say are against Meetings , do , and are willing to use them on necessary occasions . This is the state of the Difference , and the Case of those Persons G. F. &c. terms Apostats , bad Spirits , &c. G. F. &c. say , the Universal Spirit cannot receive that . I shall shew by Testimonies of other Friends , that notwithstanding Differences , yet Christians ought to receive each other , and walk in Love as Brethren . E. Burrough says , Every one was to walk in that measure of Truth they had attained to ; and notwithstanding their difference in Judgment , whether in Cases substantial or ceremonial , yet they were still to be in love and unity . p. 809. and every one to mind the teachings of the Spirit in himself . Hereby you may see that E. B. could receive in love , and walk in unity with such as differed in Cases substantial : which is as high a Difference as any about Womens Meetings . Also W. Pen says ( Address to Protestants , p. 70. ) I cannot see how such Men can excuse themselves from great presumption , &c. who deny those Persons to be Members of Christ's Church , that in Conscience refuse to subscribe any other draught than their Lord hath given them . Then how can G. F. &c. excuse themselves , who say , Those that be against Womens Meetings the Universal Spirit cannot receive ? unless G. F. &c. prove that such Dissenters have had their Form of Womens Meetings from their Lord. G. F. &c. must admit them Members of Christ's Church , or prove they refuse that which the Lord hath given them ; or else G. F. &c. are inexcusable , and condemnable by their own owned Testimonies . Also 2 Pet. 1. 5. Give all diligence thereunto : add to Faith , Vertue , Knowledg , Temperance , Patience , Godliness , Brotherly-kindness , Love : for if these things be in you , and abound , ye shall not be unfruitful , nor barren , &c. — Wherefore give all diligence to make your Calling and Election sure : for if you do these things , ye shall never fail ; for an entrance shall be ministred unto you into the everlasting Kingdom . Now I appeal to any sober Christian , Whether all these qualifications may not be in one , and yet conscienciously dissent from a Form of Womens Meetings , as used and ordered by G. F. If it can be , as I am sure it may be , that one may be so qualified and assisted by God's Spirit , as to attain these Vertues expressed by the Apostle Peter , and not comply with G. F's Womens Meetings ; then a sure entrance is made into the everlasting Kingdom , and they are received by the Universal Spirit of God : therefore G. F's , &c. Spirit , is not that of God , nor of E. B. or I. P. nor the Spirit of Christ and his Apostles , for they said , Judg not ; and that the Tree was known by its Fruit. But G. F. &c. will judge and condemn for evil , and gone from the Spirit , although no evil Fruit appears . Also , where evil Fruit does appear , as in this their Judgment , yet he can say to them , because they own his Form , and Womens Meetings , We know your care , and that you aim at the best things . So that to give up to his Orders , tho contrary to their own measures , is by him termed the best things , and they are manifestly declared the Epistle of Christ , writ with the Spirit of the living God , &c. whereby he seems to place more Virtue and Power in conforming to his Orders of Womens Meetings , than in all Faith and fruits of the Spirit , expressed in the Scripture . And where-ever G. F. mentions the Universal Spirit , I take him he means the Spirit that set up these Meetings , and persecutes all such who cannot for Conscience sake conform to his Womens Meetings . Now Christ said , Whatever ye would another should do to you , that do unto them : Love thy Neighbour as thy self , &c. This is the Universal Spirit , to desire no more Liberty nor Charity from another , than one would be content to allow them ; and impose no more on another , than one would have them impose on ones self . G. F. &c. once cried for Liberty of Conscience ; none must perform any Worship , but taught and led thereinto by the Light in their own Hearts : but having gathered a People to themselves , now ( say they ) Submit to your Elders : and if not conform to his Orders for Conscience sake , then , Wilful , stubborn , out of the Universal Spirit and Truth , and all that is Good , &c. Also it appears that the Subscribers of the Paper , and G. F. &c. do differ ▪ for G. F. &c. say , This would make the belief which is in the Light , and the measure of the Spirit in their own Particulars , not one with the Universal Spirit , &c. Indeed so it does : for there be many that believe in the Light , and measure of the Spirit , and its sufficiency , not one with G. F's &c. imposing Spirit , which he calls Universal , but against it ; altho the true Universal Spirit of Christ , and in all His , hath now , as formerly , unity with the least measure in any Member , tho for Conscience sake they may be of a differing apprehension in some things ; and therefore saith the Apostle , he became all to all , weak , or strong ; and said , bear one anothers Burdens , and bear one with another ; and therefore he condescended to baptize , and circumcise , to win over , and endeavoured the encrease of their Faith and Understandings ; not blind Conformity before Convincement , but said , If any be otherwise minded , God shall reveal , &c. As their Faith increased , so should their Obedience . The Spirit , the Apostle was in , could receive those that differed in Judgment and Practice in some things , and did not say they were erred from their measures ; and if against Womens Meetings , that the Universal Spirit could not receive them , but were careful not to offend the weak ; would deny themselves that which was lawful , for the benefit of the weak : therefore not of G. F's , &c. pretended Universal Spirit . Now G. F. &c. Letter is so jumbled together , seemingly disowning , and yet owning the Paper too : but take them either ways ; if they disown , then that manifests a difference ; if they own it , then they plainly manifest themselves to be what the Dissenting Party have objected against them many years , ( only G. F. &c. have imperiously and wrongfully born them down ) viz. that they do in their Actings contradict their Principles and Doctrine ; that is , they ( as the Pharisees ) say , and do not : for it is evident by the whole scope of their Letter , that they only are dissatisfied with the wording of it , and afraid of its publication , knowing they cannot justify it , and that it is that they have been charged for practising these many years , and for this cause many have and do dissent from them , whom they term , — gone from the Power of God , and Opposers of the Order of the Gospel : Setters up of Standards against Truth : and many other names & marks of Sons of Perdition ; when they have nothing else against them , only not submitting to G. F.'s Orders without conviction : for G. F , &c. do not at all contradict the Principle , only the Subscribing to it ; nor deny but their Meetings have such Power , or ought to be given up to , only would insinuate that it is done from the Universal Spirit of God : and all who do not so believe and act , the Universal Spirit cannot receive , &c. But all that fear God , beware of such Men , who be thus given to change , and believe and act so contrary to what they say and pretend ; and notwithstanding the good words of the Apostles in the latter end of G. F's Letter , which be found ; and had they kept themselves to their primitive Testimony and sound Doctrine , as in Scripture , there had not been this Separation : but having followed the devices of their own Heads , with fair words and speeches beguile the many simple ones ; but now their folly is made manifest , and that they have only a Form of Godliness , but deny the Power thereof ; from such turn away . And it is better to be by such accounted Separates , than for their favour to deprive your selves of the benefit of your own measures of Light and Life , according to which all shall be at last judged . WHat is here afore-wrote , is not as a full Answer or Detection of the Depths of Satan , and Mystery of Iniquity that is couched under , or lies hidden in this Judgment asserted in the Paper from Barbadoes , and the seeming Answer of dislike thereto , given by G. F. &c. but only as a Mite from one , and according to present ability , to manifest his detestation of all such Principles and Practices . The aforesaid Judgment being publickly read in Gracechurch-street-Meeting , with a Protestation against it , that it would be printed unless disowned by them , and as a stop to the printing of the same , and in vindication of G. F , &c. this Letter or Answer was produced , which indeed is more subtilly worded , but denies not , nor disowns the Principles therein , neither refuses nor denies to receive what is in that Judgment given up to them ; but I doubt not but that there will be some of greater ability , who shall contribute much more to the uncovering Her who hath long sat as a Queen , and deceived many , yet says , I shall not see Widowhood nor Sorrow ; because her Children are many and mighty , through the Power they have received from that Beast on which she rides , and will suffer none to buy nor sell in their Market , but who receive her Mark in their Forehead or Hand . For notwithstanding their Judgment is such bare-faced Popery , and so contrary to their pretended Principles , yet observe how G. F. &c. treat the Authors , viz. We know your care and tenderness for Truth , and that you aim at the best things , and are manifestly declared the Epistle of Christ , written with the Spirit of the living God , which will bring you to the City of the living God , &c. And not one Reproof in all , only Caution for fear of its Publication , &c. But when we consider the Names and Terms which are given to others that profess the same Faith , and agree in all things , except as aforesaid , viz. Something about Womens Meetings , and some Forms of Marriages , &c. they for this consciencious forbearing to practise such things as they have no faith in , are termed Apostats , departed from the Truth , such as the Universal Spirit cannot receive , &c. By all which we may see how they would hedg up the way to God , and leave no door to come in by , but G. F's . Forms ; nay , not only so , but tie up or limit God , that if he reveales any thing to any particular , he must give up all to the general , and if they have not unity with it , must cleave to the general against that particular measure of knowledg or manifestation in himself ; but I think hereby is plainly manifested , that there be such Innovators as W. Rogers hath mentioned in his Book , viz. The Christian Quaker distinguished from the Apostate and Innovator , which Title C. Taylor says is notorious Blasphemy . But hereby it not only appears that the Title is proper , and no Blasphemy : but also that there was just cause for W. R's ▪ writing that Book ; for the cause that those , they call Apostates , separate from them , is not out of any dislike or denial of the Principles of Truth ( altho they say all that oppose them be gone from Truth ) but in opposition to their usurping Authority over Peoples Consciences in Religious Matters , and requiring Conformity to their Orders , before , or without conviction . This is the chief cause of all their hard Speeches , and false Accusations against J. S. J. W. and those they term Apostats and Separates , and say , In the Name of the Lord they resolve to give Battel where-ever they meet that Spirit . But others are resolved in the Spirit of the Lamb not to bow to their Image , having seen that they should , as they have done , manifested themselves to be what they are , even empty Clouds . The Lord open the Understandings of all the Simple-hearted among them , ( as I believe there be many ) and preserve all blameless and in love , that they may have no just cause to speak evil of you : but separate from such who have a Form of Godliness , and high swelling Words of Church-Power and Gospel-Order ( which they have made to themselves , and are bowing to , even the work of their own hands , as appears by the fore-going and following lying Prophecy of Sol. Eccles ) and have your minds girt up towards the Lord , and your Conversation as becomes the Gospel , in Meekness and Fear , not terrified by their high swelling Words ; and seeing the evil effects of forsaking the Teaching of the Lord by his Spirit , to give up to Men and Womens Meetings , and Orders , beware lest you be carried away with the error of the wicked , and fall from your own stedfastness ; but endeavour to grow in Grace , and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ , to whom alone be Obedience and Glory for ever : which is the desire of my Heart , as for my self , so for all that desire to follow the Lord , and that we may be kept from Idols . AMICUS VERITATI . Here follows the false Prophecy of S. E. taken out of his Letter which he ( accompanied with two eminent Friends and Espousers of G. F. and his Party ) delivered to J. S. who is still alive , notwithstanding his predicting the contrary several years ago . O JOHN STORY , what hast thou done against the Lord , & thy own Soul ! Thou hast divided the Heritage of God ; and the Good Ordinances which Christ Jesus hath set up in his Church hast thou contemned , especially Womens Preachings , and Womens Meetings ; therefore will the Lord throw Contempt upon thee ; and if thou dost not repent speedily , miserable will be thy end . O how hast thou lost thy Place and Dignity which thou had amongst the Saints in Light ! and now to be numbred amongst the Rebellious ! If ever thou find mercy with the Lord , go home to the North with speed , and break up the Divided Meetings , which thou and John Wilkinson have been instrumental to divide from the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Anger of the Lord is chiefly against thee ; and thou art bound with two Bonds : for the Church and Brethren have bound thee on Earth , and thou art surely bound in Heaven ; and this is the Testimony of Jesus to thee , neither shalt thou be able to get from under these Bonds , till thou art reconcil'd to the Brethren . Hast , O haste to the Work above said , lest the Wrath of the Lord over-take thee before it be done , and be reconciled to GEORGE FOX , who is God's Friend , and the Servant of the living God , and Great Apostle of Jesus Christ. — haste away to the North , for thy time is short , and go quickly thou and thy Brother , if possible you may bring again to the Body of Jesus Christ , those ye have scattered , lest their Blood be required at your hands — Arise quickly , and be going , for this is the Word of the Lord to thee , viz. That this Year shalt thou ( John Story ) die , because thou hast Taught Rebellion against the living God. 1st day of the 1st month , 1677. SOLOMON ECCLES . READER , OBserve what this S. E. delivers in the Name of the LORD , viz. 1. Their Womens Preachings and Womens Meetings are the good Ordinances which Christ hath set up in his Church . 2. That being reconcil'd , ( i. e. submitting ) to G. F. &c. is the only way to find Mercy with the Lord. 3. G. F. &c. ( who call themselves the Body of Friends ) these he terms the Body of Jesus Christ. 4. That great Lye he delivered as the Word of the Lord , This Year shalt thou ( John Story ) Die , 1677 , who was then very ill , and not like to live , but is now alive and well , altho above three years since . This is here inserted , that all who read or hear it , may fear , and beware of taking the Name of the Lord in vain , as these so frequently do , and of having Mens Persons in Admiration ; as this S. E. and others have done by G. F. as appears by the Titles they have given him , viz. One greater than Moses : A Prophet indeed , &c. It was said of Christ , that he was in the World , and the World was made by him , and the World knew him not : So it may be said of this true Prophet , whom John said he was not ; but thou shalt feel this Prophet one day as heavy as a Milstone upon thee , and altho the World knows him not , yet he is known . Again , they stile G. F. The Father of many Nations , whose Life hath reached through us thy Children , even to the Isles afar off ; whose being and habitation is in the Power of the Highest , in which thou rules and governs in Righteousness , and thy Kingdom is established in Peace , and the encrease thereof is without end . These , and many more have been given him , which he hath received . Now these things are covered , excused , or justified : but if any conscientiously dissent from their Ceremonies , they shall be persecuted with rigour and false Accusations . O was ever greater Partiality , and respect of Persons manifested from any pretending to Christianity ! And if Trees may be known by their Fruits , these are evil ones : Therefore , dear Friends , come out from amongst them , be ye separate , and touch none of these unclean things : for such Principles and Practices are the Brats of Babylon ; and happy shall those be who dash them against the Stones ; but , Wo to them that give suck , nourish , or countenance them . THE END . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A35006-e540 * What more true ? ‖ But G. F. G. W. &c. do not say so . * Contrary to S. Crisp , who said , The Paper was not only ill worded , but he believed 't was ill meant What higher Testimony can be given to the Saints and Servants of the most high God , than G. F. G. W. & A. P. give the Authors and Subscribers of this wicked and ungodly Paper ?